Family Life In Baton Rouge

family life in Baton Rouge

In an ideal world, parenting through all ages and stages would be simple. There would be a how-to on every scenario for family life in Baton Rouge and a detailed handbook to read. However, at Red Stick Mom we know that is simply not reality; every child and family is extremely different and has varying needs. The good news is that Red Stick Mom is here to help Baton Rouge moms and dads navigate family life in Baton Rouge. We have writers with diverse backgrounds, family structures and perspectives. Our team of over 25 contributing writers offer advice and thoughts on what it’s like to raise kids in Baton Rouge no matter what age and stage they are in.

Over the years we have learned that what parents need most to navigate family life in Baton Rouge is support. Parents need to know that they are not alone and that there are resources for every Baton Rouge family no matter their scenario. Whether your family is looking for childcare in Baton Rouge (please see our Guide to Childcare and Preschools), to connect with other homeschooling families in Baton Rouge or on a quest to find the best snowball in Baton Rouge, Red Stick Mom has you covered. 

Whatever you need to navigate with regards to family life in Baton Rouge, we are here to help your family. If you’re looking for the best outdoor dining in Baton Rouge with kids, we’ve got that! Swim lessons in Baton Rouge? We know about those, too. Let us help you navigate those ages and stages in Baton Rouge with ease. 

When Reading Hurts

I have an above average child. She spoke early, she wrote early. She draws with detail. And she’s an absolute WHIZ at math. And while she loves being read to, reading is not a strong suit or a pleasure for her. This is our first year of “real” school, 1st grade. My husband and I went back and forth on homeschool versus public school—ultimately deciding we’d give her a year and see if public school would be beneficial for her or not. To be honest, I’m not a fan of where the school system is headed. As a daughter of two educators and daughter-in-law to another, I know where most teachers' hearts lie, but I also know where their hands...
6:15. It's time. My eyes peep open, and I can see the light blue of the morning sky through the window. I have to try harder today. I will. I will try harder than yesterday. I will do better. Coffee warms my bones, and I begin to perk up. The morning still feels so daunting, despite the promise I made to myself when I got up. I go through the motions of dressing kids, signing papers for school, getting myself dressed but I want so badly to crawl back into that bed, turn out every light and sleep it all away.  Instead, I eagerly wash down the pills I always hope will magically take this from me, but instead they just...

Sibling Night for the Win

A few years ago after a bunch of grandkids were born, my siblings and I decided to do away with giving the adults of the family birthday and Christmas gifts. It was getting expensive and a bit overwhelming to buy presents for all the kids and significant others. In its place, we created what we call “Sibling Night.” Twice a year, we come up with a fun night out for the siblings and significant others, line up babysitters, and spend the evening together. What we’ve discovered over the past few years is that it is so much more than just a way to save money. It’s a kid-free chance to catch up. Let’s be honest. Most family functions involve hyperactive...
My mom says I am the least sentimental person ever. It may be true, and it may not. For the most part, I’ve never been one that has attached myself to physical objects. I have one or two boxes of things that I have kept from childhood that I feel guilty getting rid of. I have a photo of my grandpa that I miss dearly on display as well as a streetcar he made me, but other than than family photos hung on the wall, there’s not much more. While I have become much more sentimental with the birth of my children, I still would admit I don’t attach feelings and memories to physical objects as much as others do. With...
Self-help is a genre of reading that I usually gravitate to. They can be motivating, eye-opening, affirmative, and useful for different areas of my life. It can be a overwhelming genre since every single book promises a better life and thought process. I have read really BAD self-help books. Some have even made me feel even worse about myself when I was done. Some I quit after a chapter or two. A good self-help book "clicks" with you pretty early on. I have found myself reading things in these books and saying "Yes!!!" out loud because finally someone gets me! I really did like Girl, Go Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis. It took me 3 days on a beach...

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Around Baton Rouge

Best Places to Order Catered Thanksgiving Dinner in Baton Rouge

Best Places to Order Catered Thanksgiving Dinner in Baton Rouge The holiday season is upon us! In all the chaos, so many of us are...