Family Life In Baton Rouge

family life in Baton Rouge

In an ideal world, parenting through all ages and stages would be simple. There would be a how-to on every scenario for family life in Baton Rouge and a detailed handbook to read. However, at Red Stick Mom we know that is simply not reality; every child and family is extremely different and has varying needs. The good news is that Red Stick Mom is here to help Baton Rouge moms and dads navigate family life in Baton Rouge. We have writers with diverse backgrounds, family structures and perspectives. Our team of over 25 contributing writers offer advice and thoughts on what it’s like to raise kids in Baton Rouge no matter what age and stage they are in.

Over the years we have learned that what parents need most to navigate family life in Baton Rouge is support. Parents need to know that they are not alone and that there are resources for every Baton Rouge family no matter their scenario. Whether your family is looking for childcare in Baton Rouge (please see our Guide to Childcare and Preschools), to connect with other homeschooling families in Baton Rouge or on a quest to find the best snowball in Baton Rouge, Red Stick Mom has you covered. 

Whatever you need to navigate with regards to family life in Baton Rouge, we are here to help your family. If you’re looking for the best outdoor dining in Baton Rouge with kids, we’ve got that! Swim lessons in Baton Rouge? We know about those, too. Let us help you navigate those ages and stages in Baton Rouge with ease. 

For me a new year brings the urge to get healthy and fit not only for myself but for my family. With it came bootcamp three days a week, extra workouts in the evenings, and the desire to give our nutrition a serious edit. You see, this health and fitness driven desire I get usually gets into full swing right around Lent, and this year all liquid calories made the cut. So there I was, with the grand idea to consume water and nothing else --  and a long 40 days and 40 nights ahead of me. A little back story on how much of a soda addict I am not: growing up, we never had sodas in the house....
Last night at 4am, my sixteen-month old woke briefly and began to cry. This is very uncommon for either of my children as they have both been excellent sleepers from just a few months of age. We checked on him through our video monitor and allowed him to cry for just a minute or two, as he relocated his pacifier and drifted off to sleep for the remainder of the night without either of us ever entering his room. While we do always strive to provide both of our children with comfort and security at all times, we often allow them to find ways to soothe themselves rather than immediately rushing to their bedside. In situations such as this,...

Go On and Grow

"Slow down time!" I see posts like this accompanying pictures of my friends' growing children flooding my timeline daily. I think there is an unwritten rule that we should all wish our kids to stay little. But as someone who seems to always be breaking every rule of parenting, I have decided that I'm just fine leaving time to do its thing. Little babies just aren't really my jam (except when they are sleeping, because who can resist a sweet sleeping baby?). My baby is now a preschooler. And with each passing year, I love being that little gal's mom even more. The baby days weren't too kind on me. My terrible sleeper and post-partum depression still haunt me. Being the mom...

Dear Younger Me

Recently my son, Micah, and I were heading home from camp when the song “Dear Younger Me” by Mercy Me came on. If you haven’t heard the song, it is a great one! Micah (11) quickly piped up and said “I don’t get this song, why would you want to tell your younger self stuff?” I responded,“There are things that as you get older you realize may not have been the smartest move to make.” Micah replied,“But if you didn’t do all the WRONG things wouldn’t you have missed out on some of the best things in life?” As I thought about that statement made by my way too mature 11-year-old, I realized that he may be right about that for...
It's not very often moms get to sneak away for a girls trip to the beach. It turns out we didn't pick the greatest weekend to do so, but we wouldn't realize that until after we arrived. So I gave hugs goodbye and left for a girls weekend away with three main instructions for my husband when it came to our son: Make sure he eats some veggies. Put him to bed at a reasonable time. No peeing outside. The third one sounds a little odd, but we'd been casually teaching our son about using the toilet and he was about to move up to the potty training class at daycare. Early on he would go outside with daddy. It was cute and...

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