I Love You, But…

Most of us have that someone we once dated who ended the relationship with something like, "You seem really cool, but ..." My mind instantly responds with, "I must not be THAT cool or you wouldn't be breaking up with me." Or maybe it was that boss who, after you worked for weeks on a project comes into your office and says, "I love what you came up with, but..." Then there was the time you went to pick up your dog from boarding and the owner starts with, "He's really smart, but..." Ok, maybe it's just me with the dog who likes to bolt out front doors and through windows. But I digress. Now imagine you're four years old. And you're...
One of the many joys of parenthood and family life for my husband and me is taking vacations. From the time that our first child was just an infant we have always tried to do some kind of getaway every year. Our family is bigger now, with a middle schooler, 3rd grader and a preschooler, but still we try to make vacations a part of our annual budget. Sometimes those trips are low key (we love a quick drive to Orange Beach) and sometimes they are bigger and more planned out (we are currently planning our fifth Disney trip). But the one thing they all have in common is that we don’t bring friends on vacation. I’m sure many of you reading...
Raising kids is hard. Raising a pre-teen boy makes me want to pull my hair out most of the time. I am new to this adventure of pre-teens -- it is complete with mood swings, BO, and preferring a smart phone over a conversation. Pre-teens think that they are old enough to make their own decisions but struggle with asking for help when needed. We like to encourage smart decision-making, and our son is responsible for his schedule. So if he wants to go to an after school activity, he needs to make sure he asks permission, arranges transportation and reminds said parent that is transporting him to pick him up the day of. Now you may think this is...

That Pre-Kid Life…

I’m a generally upbeat and positive person. I have a faith that grounds me and calibrates me. But sometimes, y’all I get down in the dumps. I think, damn (am I allowed to say that!?) I’m missing out. This usually stems from going too deep into the weeds of social media. Realizing a friend from before pregnancy has unfollowed me or, worse, blocked me on Instagram … “What have I done!?” “How have I changed?!” “I’m still who I used to be!” “Why don’t you like me any longer?!” Then I realize, I wouldn’t want that pre-kid life back for ANYTHING. I’m stable now. I have a son. I own a home. I’m salaried. WITH benefits. But still my mind can wander...

Goodbye, Diapers!

Dear Diapers, After 5 years, 5 months and 30 days of changing you (yes, I've been counting) you are finally, finally out of my house for good. Wooooooo hoooooo!! I have had a love/hate relationship with you from the beginning. When you first came into my home half a decade ago, you were in the cloth format, and you were oh so cute. The fluffiness. The little designs. Oh, I loved you soooooo much. But then I realized that I had to wash you every other day. And that I had to put my hands on you when you were soaked in urine and soiled in poop. Gross! Still I forged on because after all, I'm a crunchy mom -- I...

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Around Baton Rouge

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer It's that time of year we have been working towards all year long. Preparing three to...