As a mother of an older toddler and twin toddlers who also has high-functioning anxiety, telling me to stop is something I hate. I mask my anxiety by “flooring it,” and not stopping. I had to come to a complete stop when the pandemic happened and learn how to live with my anxiety. I had to work on myself, majorly, before I went through another green light again. I underwent EMDR therapy, routine therapy with another therapist, and continued to see my doctor. I had a team of women specialized in the perinatal/postpartum. I spent 14 months working on me. I am ready to share my story. Forever, I will be thankful for my prayers being answered, but it has not...
I deactivated my personal Instagram account for the foreseeable future. You are not about to read another “social media is the devil” post… but you are about to read a “Instagram is the devil” one. Here’s the thing: I love social media. I love my Louisiana gardening groups, my neighborhood group, my budget decorating group, and keeping up with people I wouldn’t otherwise be capable of easily keeping up with. I think social media is awesome… But screw Instagram. I’m over it and there are two reasons why. I’ll briefly get the first out of the way and done because it is very overstated. It’s such a warped reality. Almost nothing on there is real anymore. I unfollowed fitness inspiration (“fitspo”), Instagram influencer, and other toxic...
Let’s be honest … moms are not perfect. We aren’t superheroes. We don’t have all the right answers. We all make mistakes. I don’t care if you can pack the most colorful, healthy, Pinterest award-winning bento box for your kid’s lunch or if you’ve hosted the best play date filled with learning activities and paint, you have done something on your motherhood journey that makes you hang your head in shame and hope that no one was paying attention. Confession: I hide it well, but truthfully, I feel this way quite often. They don’t tell you about this in books or movies. No one mentions the ugly truth: you are going to make mistakes and feel like your kids will end...
Disclosure :: This post is sponsored by Ochsner Baton Rouge.  Accepting Your Postpartum Body In today’s social media world, we are bombarded with what others are doing: what diet and exercise routines they are following, how they raise their kids, what jobs they have. This can cause many people to second guess themselves, especially moms, wondering if they should be on the same path as others. There is also a lot of pressure on moms to quickly get back to the way they looked before they had kids. Whether you gave birth yesterday or 15 years ago, your body helped bring life into this world, and that is something to be proud of and celebrated. Here are five tips to embrace your postpartum...
The journey to parenthood looks different for everyone. For some it is an unexpected surprise for others it is the culmination of years of struggle.  No matter which side of the spectrum you’re on there are a lot of unexpected emotions. For those dealing with infertility, it’s up and down, positive and negative. Infertility steals joy, sparks fear, and stokes feelings of failure and resentment. It crushes self-esteem and makes you question yourself, it pushes you down. It also teaches you to fight, and compassion and empathy, and gratitude. You feel so isolated. You feel like you’re the only one when really you’re 1 in 8. This is how I felt. Hope to Hopeless If you look at birth control statistics...

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