Health + Wellness

health + wellness in Baton RougeAsk any Baton Rouge mom what she wants for her children, and health + wellness will be one of her first responses. Whether it’s the mental health of her teenagers, how much screen time to allow her toddlers or struggling with breastfeeding, moms simply want the best outcome for their children’s overall health.

Red Stick Mom provides local families with the latest resources, perspectives and expert advice about the important choices affecting the health + wellness of your Baton Rouge family.

Parents already have a lot of decisions to make! Finding consistent and reliable resources for raising a family in Baton Rouge shouldn’t be overwhelming, especially when it comes to the family’s health + wellness. There are so many issues to consider for kids these days, from children’s mental well-being to food dyes and whether those matter to vaccines and when to get them. And that’s not even taking mom and dad’s health into account!

Enduring a long NICU stay? We’ve been there. Looking for a great urgent care for children in Baton Rouge? Red Stick Mom has suggestions. We’ve talked about taking mental health days for kids, how to battle pesky molluscum, and arthritis in children. These are just a few of the health + wellness questions we’ve addressed on Red Stick Mom over the nine years we’ve served the community.

We’ve covered many different aspects of health + wellness over the years, from a scary breast cancer diagnosis to the benefit of chiropractic care during pregnancy to miscarriages and pregnancy loss. Whether we’re discussing birth or adolescence, Red Stick Mom strives to provide relevant health + wellness content for Baton Rouge families in a timely fashion. Best of all, every resource on Red Stick Mom is free to readers.

With the help of more than 25 Baton Rouge moms, Red Stick Mom makes it easy to locate important and accurate health + wellness information for busy families.

It was about four years ago that I starting seeing news stories pop up about the questionable ingredients, as well as inadequate effectiveness of many sunscreens on the market. I listened with one ear, but when they started talking ingredients like oxybenzone (whatever that is), I admit I glazed over. After all, I used high-quality brands like Neutrogena, recommended by dermatologists! Neutrogena  couldn't possibly sell anything unsafe, I told myself. Wrongo. It wasn't until my daughter was born in 2013 and summer hit a few months later that I started doing more research into what is really in the sunscreens we slather on our bodies often on a daily basis, especially in the summer. As an avid daily sunscreen wearer (and outspoken advocate...
Prepare yourself, summer is coming!  Actually,  if you're reading this in Louisiana, summer has already arrived, and that can only mean two things:  shorts and bathing suits. The warmer weather has people in the mood to exercise and get fit, and I've been seeing tons of "summer body" challenges on Pinterest and Facebook. Unfortunately, I have to burst that bubble. We can't spot train our way to fitness, and as a busy mom, I don't want you to waste your time. Chances are, if you do squats for 30 days, you may see some results, but overall you will not see any significant change. I totally understand the appeal of the 30-day challenges -- it's supposed to be quick. Don't we all love instant gratification? However, the best...
Thanks to the Internet and social media, we now live in a world where our lives are on constant display. It's a territory that our generation is navigating for the first time in history- raising kids in the era of the Internet. I can't help but think that this culture of show off, do more, glorify busy, and be picture-perfect doing it has an impact on our "IRL" (in real life) relationships too. Vulnerability is already hard enough. Allowing another person to see some of your faults and realities is overwhelming because it opens you up to judgement. But when we're used to being able to filter out all the junk, edit our image, and share only what we want on-line,...
A Word of Encouragement From the Other Side My husband and I were married for seven years before we decided to have a child. He knew he always wanted a child (or children). I wasn’t so sure. The fact that we weren’t in the same place with the idea didn’t really matter because both of us were busy working and enjoying our jobs and each other. We were enough. We were totally happy. As I got older, we discussed it a bit more often because BIOLOGY. At 30, I wasn’t ready. Nope. Not 31. Or 32. I had Ellen when I was halfway to 34. My least favorite thing about having a child in the beginning? Everything. Every. Single. Thing. Let’s take it back even...
This feels like it was a lifetime ago and not even real life, but as I recount the past memories, it was indeed very real. Only my family and closest friends have heard these details, so please bear with me. I was young, having fun and at the tail end of finishing a successful high school career where I was surrounded by girlfriends I adored, and there was a bright future awaiting me. As with a lot of teenagers, dating was a part of the high school scene. I didn’t have much experience of course, but I was smitten with this one boy who was a little older me. When we started dating, it seemed like a harmless adventure that...

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Around Baton Rouge

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer It's that time of year we have been working towards all year long. Preparing three to...