My kindergartener came home from school yesterday and in telling me about her day, said something to this effect:
"The pilgrims came over on ships, and they were on the ships for a really long time. They started running out of food and were so hungry, and a lot of them started to get really sick. They were looking for a new city because they were forced to go to the same church and couldn't choose which church to go to. Isn't that crazy? They couldn't believe what they wanted to believe. And when they go to a new city, the Indians helped them to find food and showed them how to make houses and they all had a big meal...
There are two types of people in this world :: those who laugh at the idea of Hallmark holiday movies and those who fully embrace the Hallmark holiday movie. I'm the latter. A few weeks ago, Hallmark released its Countdown to Christmas movie schedule. For those such as myself, this movie schedule officially kicks off the holiday season.
Hallmark movies are a delightful reminder of the good in the world. They're a break from the crazy political environment we live in, a relief from the responsibilities (big and small) we face each day as mothers, and an escape into the fantasy world of "happily ever after." I can always count on the Hallmark movie for two simple truths: it's always...
I was not always a huge fan of Halloween. Honestly, it wasn't until having kids that my love for Halloween grew. Now my house takes on a fun and spooky appearance starting early October with fake spider webs and those carved pumpkins that hopefully make it to Halloween night. Thank you Louisiana weather for those molded-to-soon crooked smiled pumpkins.
Crafting on the other hand has always been on my list of favorites. I LOVE TO CRAFT. So when my love for Halloween grew, so did those fun Halloween craft ideas! I have 3 super easy and fun Halloween crafts that you can actually do without going to the store. Say what?! Yep, these 3 craft projects can literally been done...
Why do people think that trick or treating for teens is wrong? I recently read that a town in Virginia is charging teens with a MISDEMEANOR and charging a fine of at least $25 for any child over the age 12 that is caught trick or treating. WHAT?!?
As a mom of a teenager, I will encourage my son to come trick or treating with us. Why? Let us use our imagination on where else our teenagers could be or what else they could be doing!
They could be sitting in front of the TV playing video games ... I'd rather to have them walking around the neighborhood and having some human interaction.
They could be "hanging out with friends" and doing...
Leaves were turning golden.
The air was crisp and cool.
All over town we could see
The return of ghosts and ghouls.
I read my kids a story about a witch on a broom,
For the next three nights they said she was flying by their rooms.
I asked my children, “What do you want to be for Halloween?
A superhero? An astronaut? Maybe a royal queen?”
My daughter looked at me and gave her hair a little twirl,
“I want to be a hot dog or a scary zombie girl.”
My son said, “I want to be a killer Megalodon.”
Were the days of being firemen and fairies all gone?
At least the baby couldn't join in this dialogue.
I decided that he’d be a spot-eyed puppy dog.
After much discussion and...