It's Christmas Already Well Ladies, I am excited that Christmas is here! I am a New Years Girl, born on January 1st and for me, this is time where I freely express my love, sentimental feelings, goofy dancing and giving without apologies. Now don't mistake me, because I freely do this already, but for some unknown reason people don't fully receive and accept my joyous goofy love, random dancing celebrating them and cheerful giving other times of the year. It's like people have become robots, busy in life emotionless, impatient and rude to the point they think less and less about love, laughter, fun, and giving. I know its November, but for me Christmas started November 1st. I grew up in a...

Gift Guide for Kids Under 5

Disclosure :: this post contains affiliate links. Gift Guide for Kids Under 5 I love giving gifts. It brings me joy to see others delight in a gift I (my kids) have given. The only problem I had was that I didn’t always know what to get for little kids. What do I get my cousin’s one year old? My BFFs kid is turning 2, does she really want this loud, bright blinking toy that is “recommended.” We have a classmate party coming what should I get a 4 year old? Since becoming a parent, being invited to a bunch of kids’ parties and my kids getting gifts of their own I've found some go-to gifts. I’ve narrowed down some great...
After a while, it can start to seem like some kids have everything. Siblings (and their hand-me-downs) increase the odds of this phenomenon. Is there no limit on how many toys one home can house? How do you shop for the family in the process of moving? The idea of more things is overwhelming when there are already so many things to organize, pack, store, move, unpack, organize… When Christmas shopping for these types, it may be a good idea to gift an experience. Make future plans with those cute kiddos. Here are some ideas on what to give. Gift cards or memberships to local play places can go a long way. Indoor play fun Jump and Jive Tumbles Lil Bambino’s Playatorium Operation Imagination ...
I absolutely looooove giving gifts. As an adult and a mom, I can finally say I understand what my mom meant all those years ago when she described her best Christmas present was watching everyone else open their gifts. I get such joy from finding the perfect item for each person. Two people that are notoriously difficult to buy for, however, are my husband and my dad. They are the toughest because they buy themselves items they want throughout the year instead of waiting to receive them as gifts! I do have some tricks up my sleeve though, and these presents have thrilled the men in my life. Big Green Egg This is a big-ticket item, but it is worth its...
Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Party Time, however the words and photos are my own. HO HO HO "You've Been Jingled" (FREE printable included) Now that we’ve gotten past the jack-o-lanterns and the turkey (almost!), can we finally just say MERRY CHRISTMAS and HO HO HO?! I have lots of respect for those other holidays but now it is time for Christmas to shine. Anyone with me? To bring in the Christmas spirit, we have partnered up with Party Time to bring you a Christmas version of “You’ve Been BOOed” and we are so excited for it! This is the perfect new tradition to add to the mix and a sure way to get the entire neighborhood into the holiday...

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Around Baton Rouge

Where to Find the Best King Cakes in Baton Rouge

Where to Find the Best King Cakes in Baton Rouge Are you a huge fan of those cinnamon-flavored dough rounds covered in sweet green, gold,...