Like most all moms, I'm guilty of providing visually-stimulating entertainment to my child in the form of television shows. Those 15 minutes of freedom that my kiddo stays glued to the TV buy me precious moments to shower, do chores or for Heaven's sake use the bathroom ALONE! I swear there must be deeply embedded subliminal messages in these shows that can stop an active child dead in their tracks and keep them quiet and safely occupied for 15-20 minutes.  But why, oh why, must some of the television shows geared toward children be so terribly annoying?! Every mom has her list but yet still allows her kids to watch these aggravating shows (often on repeat) because those few minutes...
So, it’s the summer, and you want a new book to read.  Maybe you’re headed to the beach and you are imagining some quality reading time in between watching the kids and building sandcastles.  Maybe you are wanting a new literary journey during naptime.  Maybe you’re nursing at midnight and three in the morning and want a dreamy escape. Or maybe, you’re like me, and you squeeze in a little reading while the kids are wrestling with a movie on in the background.  (Please tell me some of you do that!)  If any of the above apply to you, perhaps I can help you out.  I have some suggestions for you to consider.  A little nonfiction, a little fiction,...

Why I Read To My Son

I don't think I brag about my son William any more than average. I try not to. Of course, because he is mine, I think he's the most special person on this earth. But every parent feels that way about their kids, right? But if I may take this moment, I will say that he appears to be a very intelligent kid. Time will tell of course (he's only 16 months), but I truly believe that reading to him daily has already greatly affected him in a positive way. This is nothing new: there are countless news articles citing the advantages of reading to your children from a young age. Most pediatricians recommend it. But I wanted to share a...
There really is nothing better after a long, hard day at work than coming home, carefully preparing a meal for your family and then having your children throw a tantrum about what is being served! Not my idea of fun! Trust me, there are MANY evenings that end this way at my home. While I cannot make promises, I can assure you that engaging your children in cooking tasks is a hands-on way to spark their interest in new and different foods while eventually giving you an extra hand in the kitchen. Involving your children in the kitchen also provides an excellent opportunity to address many academic and social skills, as well as, promote independence; all while getting your little ones out from under your feet while...

Elf: The New Tradition

A few years ago, I decided to jump on the Elf on the Shelf  (in our house Jake) bandwagon, and I have never looked back. The original concept of the Elf watching the kids and reporting to Santa was definitely a draw, but this is a common misconception because the scout elf in the book also encourages good deeds. Regardless of telling good or bad deeds, I was sold on being an Elf family once I saw my kids' reactions to their very own Elf.  I admit that there have been times when I cursed the whole thing as I was walking to bed and remembered that Jake forgot to move that day, but overall I have been pleased with my decision to be pro-Elf. I'll...

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Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer It's that time of year we have been working towards all year long. Preparing three to...