I can't tell you how many times I have stared at a form in a doctor's office thinking, "When did he start eating solid food? What will happen if I put the wrong answer? What did I write on the last form?" As parents we are constantly asked about our kids' developmental (and other) milestones. And if you are like me, your mommy-brain sometimes forgets every little detail. And the older my son gets, the foggier my memory of his earliest moments is. I can only imagine how confused I'd be if I had more than one kid. Don't worry- I remember the big ones, like when my kiddo started walking, but I couldn't tell you how old he was...
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post brought to you by VarageSale.  Do you own more pairs of shoes than you can count? Tired of tripping over toys in your basement? Wondering how you can get rid of all those unused kitchen appliances? Then you’re in luck! The best buy and sell experience out there is coming to a neighborhood near you. Created by a mom in 2012, VarageSale is the fun way to sell your stuff and earn extra cash. It’s also safe. View a buyer’s profile before you meet so you know you’re dealing with a real person. The best part? It’s free and oh-so easy to use! Visit the website or download the free app Search for a community near...
As a mom, it can be exhausting to come home after work or a full day of activities, only to look in the refrigerator and see this… I mean, that’s sad right?! Confession, this is what my refrigerator looks like on Sunday night. Notice the bottle of Pinot trying to make an appearance. While you wouldn't realize it from this picture, over the past few years I’ve been meal planning. I know the idea of meal planning can seem overwhelming at first, but I promise it will save you time, money, and sanity in the long run. Here’s how I do it: 1. Pregame. Survey the refrigerator, and throw out all the old left overs and expired food. Whew, that felt good!...
Here is a simple, all-natural way to dye your eggs this Easter! And it can be done with things you already have around the house. Start a new, beautiful tradition as you follow these steps: 1. Start with a dozen of your sister-in-law's fabulous "home-grown" eggs. (Well, at least my sister-in-law's. I'm lucky.) Aren't they pretty? If you don't have a family member who raises chickens, you can most certainly get a dozen eggs at the grocery store. 2. Take out a pile of onion peels from standard, yellow onions. Just save the skins of the onions you cook with (like I do) or go to a grocery store and ask if you can clean out their onion bins. They'll be...
What eye candy we have for you today in this month's Heart & Home tour! Local mom of two, coaches wife, and teacher, Kristen Cascio, is opening her home today and giving us a peek inside. She has thoughtfully created this home from the ground up, with each detail planned out, and you won't believe how simple she makes it seem. Not only that, but this busy mom has managed to maintain a beautiful space, raise happy girls, keep everyone on schedule, teach preschoolers, and cheer for her husband's team all in a day's work. I know you will enjoy this lovely home and the incredible mom behind it! Q: Tell us a little about yourself and your beautiful family. My...

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Around Baton Rouge

Where to Find the Best King Cakes in Baton Rouge

Where to Find the Best King Cakes in Baton Rouge Are you a huge fan of those cinnamon-flavored dough rounds covered in sweet green, gold,...