Disclosure: This post is sponsored by VarageSale. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
It's that time of year when spring cleaning posts have made their way around social media and where you've felt the guilt for not washing your mini-blinds and for having "too much stuff." All you really want to do is hang out by the kiddie pool on a brand new patio set and soak up the sprummer sun. Now, we all know we'd feel more relaxed if the house wasn't so messy and if we could get control of "all the things." So, I'm here to help. I've got three ways to declutter your home. They are fast and easy and may even make you some...
If the outside of your family's refrigerator looks anything like ours, there are multiple invitations to children's birthday parties scattered among the art work and expired coupons at any given time. And while it's great to see the joy in a child's face as they blow out their birthday candles, the financial burden of buying birthday gifts can be a bit much. I have a few stand-by gifts that are not only easy on the budget, but are a lot more useful than yet another toy that will get lost in the black hole of the toy chest. Several of these gifts can be purchased in advance and are easy to store to keep a few on hand for...
I can't tell you how many times I have stared at a form in a doctor's office thinking, "When did he start eating solid food? What will happen if I put the wrong answer? What did I write on the last form?" As parents we are constantly asked about our kids' developmental (and other) milestones. And if you are like me, your mommy-brain sometimes forgets every little detail. And the older my son gets, the foggier my memory of his earliest moments is. I can only imagine how confused I'd be if I had more than one kid. Don't worry- I remember the big ones, like when my kiddo started walking, but I couldn't tell you how old he was...
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post brought to you by VarageSale.
Do you own more pairs of shoes than you can count? Tired of tripping over toys in your basement? Wondering how you can get rid of all those unused kitchen appliances? Then you’re in luck! The best buy and sell experience out there is coming to a neighborhood near you.
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As a mom, it can be exhausting to come home after work or a full day of activities, only to look in the refrigerator and see this…
I mean, that’s sad right?! Confession, this is what my refrigerator looks like on Sunday night. Notice the bottle of Pinot trying to make an appearance.
While you wouldn't realize it from this picture, over the past few years I’ve been meal planning. I know the idea of meal planning can seem overwhelming at first, but I promise it will save you time, money, and sanity in the long run. Here’s how I do it:
1. Pregame. Survey the refrigerator, and throw out all the old left overs and expired food. Whew, that felt good!...