I'm happy to announce that we have FINALLY moved into our new house! It was a long and very difficult 5 1/2 months, and we are so thankful that it's over.  Everyone says that building a home tests your sanity, and I knew it would be difficult, but WOW that was hard. In Part 1 of my series, I focused on getting the process started.  Part 2 covered the financial side of home buying. Today, I have a few tips and tricks to make home building, packing and moving a tiny bit easier on you. Do your research. Before you pay someone your life savings to build your house, do lots of research.  We decided to move into a neighborhood in which...
Our grocery trips, or any trip to the store for that matter, are completely toy free. No toys, almost ever. Let me start by saying that I never set out to be the mom that didn't buy toys.  I didn't make a vow to myself pre-motherhood.  I just simply didn't see a need.  I find that I raise my kids based on my own childhood.  I think about the times that stood out most to me, the things that truly left an impact.  When I'm staring off into space thinking about those days, there aren't many toys involved in my thoughts, just lots and lots of happy times.  Lots of laughter, LOTS of time spent together. Our kids have toys and we do actually buy toys for them...
My two boys love few things more than swimming in their grandparents' pool.  Neither of my boys have ever been afraid of the water, which might seem like a good thing.  But for this momma, it is TERRIFYING.  I knew very early on that in order for us to be able to enjoy the pool, my boys would need to start learning safety rules as soon as possible.  After all, drowning is the number two cause of accidental death among children, and more than 1,500 children are killed in water-related accidents each year.  Thankfully, my mother-in-law is a well-respected and amazing swim instructor, so she has (for years) been teaching me proper techniques and tips for keeping children safe...
When I started gardening last year, I was a complete beginner with no clue where it would take me. My initial goals were to keep at least one veggie plant alive all summer, and maybe even enjoy eating at least 1-2 of the veggies themselves, if I could manage to grow any at all. I wanted to enjoy the process and use it as a learning experience for myself, but mostly garden as a side hobby just for me. Well, as moms we know we can’t even pee alone, so it was silly of me to think I’d be gardening alone. My two year olds quickly invited themselves in on the fun. This year, I’m excited to start up...
I've never been great at planning ahead.  Easter is one holiday that always catches me off guard. With the actual easter basket, I never really know what to put in it, and my kids are really too young to enjoy candy (or at least they should be!) After buying new clothes for Easter, I don't want to spend a ton filling up their Easter basket...especially with just junk they will never use.  So, this year, I've decided to create an Easter basket that was not only inexpensive but actually useful to our daily lives. I've put together several different "themes" that are all great to throw together with one quick walk through the dollar store.  Best of all, these...

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Best Places to Order Catered Thanksgiving Dinner in Baton Rouge

Best Places to Order Catered Thanksgiving Dinner in Baton Rouge The holiday season is upon us! In all the chaos, so many of us are...