Fed is Best

We had a good run at it, breastfeeding and I. We got 4 good months out of the gig. Well, 3 if we’re being honest, because that last month was hell. I always thought I’d at least make it to the 6 month mark - because how hard can it be? When I was pregnant and people would ask if I was planning on breastfeeding, I would answer with a resounding “Yes!” My “plan” was to get to 6 months and reevaluate, see how I felt, and keep going forward. I only registered for like 4 bottles, for crying out loud. And we started so strong, that’s the crazy thing. When other moms would check in on me those first...

Parents Don’t Get Sick Days

Ah, cold and flu season. Boo you. The last week has been rough, and it’s been one of those times when reality hits and I think, Oh, wow, I’m responsible for another person, and he needs me whether I’m feeling 100% or not. It started when my baby got sick last weekend. We got to pay a Saturday morning visit to the pediatrician (every mom’s favorite thing to do), where my son was diagnosed with pink eye and a cold. Unfortunately, as we know, there’s not much you can do for a cold except ride it out, but the doctor did prescribe some lovely eye drops for the pinkeye. If you haven’t ever tried to put eye drops in the eyes...
Ok mammas, we are talking baby food!  With this post, I want to take you through the ins and outs of my baby food adventures.  The time spent, lessons learned, and the reward at the end of the day. First, a little back story....When I was pregnant with Kade, there were two things I had high hopes for: breastfeeding and making my own baby food.  I wanted to experience the feeling of being able to give my newborn bundle of joy his nutrition, help save a few dollars in our seemingly maxed out budget, and prove to myself that I could actually do it. A month into Kade's little life, lots of trips to the lactation consultant, and a stay in the hospital...
I'm a researcher and planner by nature. I genuinely enjoy it! I like being prepared and informed and knowing as much as I can before something comes my way. So of course when I found I was pregnant, it was ON. I consumed every article and blog post I could get my hands on like a crazy person. "How to Survive Your First Trimester" turned into "Breastfeeding Basics" and then to "What to Pack in Your Hospital Bag" and "What You Need to Know About Labor & Delivery". I was ready and waiting for labor. I knew that there were things I couldn't prepare for, but I honestly felt like there wasn't much that was going to be able...

Experiences of a First-Time Mom

While I was pregnant with my now almost-9-month-old son, William, I of course had lots of expectations for what life would be like once he arrived, but I really think that you can’t truly know what it’s like to have a new baby until you experience it. Many of my fellow bloggers have either recently had babies or are currently expecting, and that has me thinking about my own experiences when my son was born. I sat down recently and made a list of some things that I will remember most about being a brand-new mom. Everyone’s experience is different, and these are a few things that I will remember about having my first baby: There was a lot of...

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BellyFire Pottery :: A Hands-on Bachelorette Party

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