Several times in my new motherhood, I have found myself telling someone, “This is, like, a thing now.” For pretty much any parenting decision you make these days, there is a corresponding label for it. And a few piles of books written on it, detailing why it is the best thing in the world. Natural childbirth, attachment parenting, unschooling, free range parenting, authoritarian parenting, cry it out, baby-led weaning. When Sam turned six months, I dutifully introduced solids – with my shiny new immersion blender and silicone ice cube trays (BPA free, of course), ready to puree all the things. Yeah, he would not have it. For a month, I fought with Sam, trying to get him to eat these...

Tips for Pumping at Work

Pumping at work. It’s a pain. A gift. A lot of parts to wash. Monotonous at the least. Sometimes I feel like I’m a slave to my pumping bag and schedule. And, heaven forbid I forget to put my day’s harvest into the fridge after work (like I did the other day).  Right now, I pump three times a day, roughly every three hours, and I usually get enough for three 4 oz bottles, give or take a couple of ounces. Here are some things I’ve learned about pumping at work: 1. Try to see pumping as a nice break from work rather than a daily chore.  I've come to enjoy my 15-20 minutes of pumping, three times a day, because...
Disclaimer: This is a guest post from Dr. Leanne Redman, associate professor of women’s health studies at Pennington Biomedical Research Center. You can get to know her more here and read her first post here. Her facts and opinions are based on her personal research. Red Stick Moms Blog was not paid to promote any specific medical viewpoints or studies. Always consult your physician with any medical questions. As we heard from Lisa earlier this month on the blog, August is National Breastfeeding Month. And as can be seen by the several blog posts on Red Stick Moms Blog recently, breastfeeding is one of the hottest topics on social media right now. Most of the stories making the news in the...
When I was pregnant, one of the best pieces of advice I received went something like: Come to terms with the fact that every parenting decision you ever make will be the wrong one. I have come back to that idea over and over again in my six months as a mom.  There is not one right way to do anything, much less how to raise a child.  And I remind myself that people have been birthing kids and raising kids, since, say, the beginning of time.  Since before we knew about SIDS.  Before formula.  Before car seats. Here are two ways that I am trying to combat fear (and fear of failure): 1. Stop surrounding myself with information and advice that is not...
Disclaimer: This is a guest post from Dr. Leanne Redman, associate professor of women’s health studies at Pennington Biomedical Research Center. You can get to know her more here and read her first post here. Her facts and opinions are based on her personal research. Red Stick Moms Blog was not paid to promote any specific medical viewpoints or studies. Always consult your physician with any medical questions.   With technology at our fingertips, 21st century moms have evolved to be savvy readers on health and wellness topics important to their own health and the health of their family. Lucky for us that with the development of the internet, many important health and medical organizations developed educational and research materials that are...

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