Every mom knows that mornings + kids = organized (sometimes) chaos. Today, several of our contributors give you a peek into their morning routines. Kristen: I am not good at mornings. At the getting out of bed part that is. I usually have to be forced by either my husband or my son. And while our mornings are never really the same, we have found something of a routine. Our alarm goes off at 5, but we snooze until 5:30—unless our other alarm has gone off and is crying (which is usually between 5 and 6 am).  I get out of bed, put on my robe, and head to Sam’s room.  My husband gets up, feeds the dog and cats, and takes a shower....
October 23, 2014 will be the official one-year birthday of Red Stick Moms Blog.  ONE YEAR! As I reflect on the last twelve months, I realized that I've learned a lot about what it looks like to be a mom, own a blog, and  balance the two. I've also learned so much about this community here at RSMB and the impact we now have in the Baton Rouge area. First and foremost, YOU are the reason behind all of this.  All of the time, work, passion, and vision has been because of the dream to bring Red Stick Moms Blog to the moms of Baton Rouge. Over a year ago, I was introduced to the City Moms Blog Network and...

Experiences of a First-Time Mom

While I was pregnant with my now almost-9-month-old son, William, I of course had lots of expectations for what life would be like once he arrived, but I really think that you can’t truly know what it’s like to have a new baby until you experience it. Many of my fellow bloggers have either recently had babies or are currently expecting, and that has me thinking about my own experiences when my son was born. I sat down recently and made a list of some things that I will remember most about being a brand-new mom. Everyone’s experience is different, and these are a few things that I will remember about having my first baby: There was a lot of...
"It's the thought that counts." We have all heard that saying, but did you ever consider that maybe our society THINKS too much and doesn't actually ACT? So often we think we support each other; however, so few put their support into action. Acting out support for each other in this (frequently negative) world is a wonderful way to make a difference not only in the lives of others, but also in your own life. It is so easy to become focused on the daily happenings in your own life that it's easy to lose a sense of camaraderie and community. Doing a good deed just does something for your soul that is inexplicable. Honestly, I love the way my heart...
Several times in my new motherhood, I have found myself telling someone, “This is, like, a thing now.” For pretty much any parenting decision you make these days, there is a corresponding label for it. And a few piles of books written on it, detailing why it is the best thing in the world. Natural childbirth, attachment parenting, unschooling, free range parenting, authoritarian parenting, cry it out, baby-led weaning. When Sam turned six months, I dutifully introduced solids – with my shiny new immersion blender and silicone ice cube trays (BPA free, of course), ready to puree all the things. Yeah, he would not have it. For a month, I fought with Sam, trying to get him to eat these...

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Around Baton Rouge

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer It's that time of year we have been working towards all year long. Preparing three to...