I loved getting to know this mom through her beautiful home and inspiring words, and I know you will too!  Autumn Miller is mother of two and owner of Shabby Green Designs, a built-from-scratch furniture restoration business.  Not only is this momma creative, talented, and driven, but she will definitely have you smiling and ready to join her for a much-loved cup of coffee by the end of this warm and inviting tour.  I can't wait for you to "meet" her and hear how she manages running a business, keeping white couches clean, and avoiding the snares of mommy comparisons.  Enjoy the tour! Q: Tell us a little about yourself and your sweet family. For starters, we’re an odd bunch. Michael...
Years ago, I felt called to become a teacher.  I was working full-time in the private-sector and was feeling like I needed more time at home with my son, who was not quite one yet.  In my head, this was a perfect fit, I would go into work at 8AM, be home by 3PM, and have the entire summer, as well as holidays to spend more time with my son.  What occupation could be a better balance of work and family, right? Fast-forward through six weeks of Alternative Certification Training, as well as a few weeks in Summer School as a Student Teacher, and BAM!  I’m a Teacher!  A real one, with a classroom all my own and 125+ students...
If it hasn’t happened yet, it will. There will be one day when your child is introduced to a child in a wheelchair, a child with leg braces, or a child that is nonverbal. They will definitely be curious. Guess what - that is ok; great actually. Here is your chance to teach your child the wonderful and necessary lesson of acceptance and empathy. At first you might be embarrassed, especially if your child screams “What’s wrong with that kid?” Take that opportunity to teach there is nothing WRONG with any child. Trust me, parents of children with special needs have heard it all. An innocent child asking that question is not the first or last time they will hear that,...
By trade, I'm a teacher. But my real job is "momma" to three amazing, stinky boys. I absolutely love teaching, but by the time May rolls around I'm craving those long, lazy summer days that I so look forward to every year. I find as my children get older these long, lazy summer days aren't so long or lazy anymore.  What is the deal? What is going on? Why? By June 1st I am quickly reminded about 8 definite things with my kids on summer break every year...... 1.  My grocery bill doubles. Okay, scratch that...TRIPLES. My three little guys don't look like they eat a lot, but obviously my grocery bill and the look on the familiar cashier's face at Winn Dixie tells...
When I was pregnant, one of the best pieces of advice I received went something like: Come to terms with the fact that every parenting decision you ever make will be the wrong one. I have come back to that idea over and over again in my six months as a mom.  There is not one right way to do anything, much less how to raise a child.  And I remind myself that people have been birthing kids and raising kids, since, say, the beginning of time.  Since before we knew about SIDS.  Before formula.  Before car seats. Here are two ways that I am trying to combat fear (and fear of failure): 1. Stop surrounding myself with information and advice that is not...

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Around Baton Rouge

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer It's that time of year we have been working towards all year long. Preparing three to...