By trade, I'm a teacher. But my real job is "momma" to three amazing, stinky boys. I absolutely love teaching, but by the time May rolls around I'm craving those long, lazy summer days that I so look forward to every year. I find as my children get older these long, lazy summer days aren't so long or lazy anymore.  What is the deal? What is going on? Why? By June 1st I am quickly reminded about 8 definite things with my kids on summer break every year...... 1.  My grocery bill doubles. Okay, scratch that...TRIPLES. My three little guys don't look like they eat a lot, but obviously my grocery bill and the look on the familiar cashier's face at Winn Dixie tells...
When I was pregnant, one of the best pieces of advice I received went something like: Come to terms with the fact that every parenting decision you ever make will be the wrong one. I have come back to that idea over and over again in my six months as a mom.  There is not one right way to do anything, much less how to raise a child.  And I remind myself that people have been birthing kids and raising kids, since, say, the beginning of time.  Since before we knew about SIDS.  Before formula.  Before car seats. Here are two ways that I am trying to combat fear (and fear of failure): 1. Stop surrounding myself with information and advice that is not...
True life: I’m not even a stay at home mom yet, and I’m already wrestling with SAHM guilt. Initially when my husband and I found out we were pregnant, the plan was for me to go back to work in a part-time capacity. I have a very flexible job and an amazing boss, so we started looking at how to make two to three days a week work. But the more we crunched numbers and made plans for baby while I would be at work, the more we realized maybe this wasn’t our best option. We just couldn’t get all the factors to line up, and quickly found that what I would be bringing home per month just wasn’t justifiable....
Kids With Special Needs are NOT Given to Special People I have had the pleasure of being a momma to a child with special needs for seven and a half years, my dear Connor. In these amazing seven and a half years, I have done everything possible to give my child who has multiple complex medical needs the best life imaginable. I have fought doctors on what I knew was best for him, marched the front steps at the State Capital rallying for his rights, and even traveled around the world seeking treatment to give him a better quality of life. To say I'm a "momma bear" is an complete understatement. In all these years I have heard from family, friends,...
Our mom for this edition of Heart & Home is no stranger to RSMB.  You may remember her lovely backyard chickens and her words of encouragement to get our own! You may also have seen her beautiful calligraphy or adorable, new clothing line popping up on your social media.  Today, we are chatting with Holly Everett of Maison Everett blog and shop.  Let's just start by saying that she is one very talented lady, but even more importantly, she has the sweetest of hearts.  I knew taking a peek inside her home would be nothing short of inspirational.  I hope you enjoy today's tour of this beautiful home and hearing the very thoughtful words of the momma behind it! Q:...

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Best Places to Order Catered Thanksgiving Dinner in Baton Rouge

Best Places to Order Catered Thanksgiving Dinner in Baton Rouge The holiday season is upon us! In all the chaos, so many of us are...