
pregnant woman

Pregnancy is an exciting journey as you prepare to welcome your little one into the world. Although it can feel overwhelming, especially for first-time moms, Red Stick Mom provides a variety of helpful resources from seasoned moms. From selecting the best care providers to insights on using a doula we’ve got you covered every step of the way.

We understand that every pregnancy is special and unique, and our team of local Baton Rouge moms is committed to providing diverse perspectives on various aspects of motherhood. Whether you choose to have a medicated or natural birth , breast or bottle feed, we have resources from experienced moms that can help you make an informed decision about what is best for you and your baby.

At Red Stick Mom, we’re here for every step of your motherhood journey—pregnancy and beyond. For postpartum moms, we’ve got you covered with tips to conquer sleep deprivation, advice on self-care, and support for your mental health. Because let’s face it—taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of your little one.

Red Stick Mom is dedicated to helping you navigate the highs and lows of pregnancy and postpartum. We know the struggles and joys that come with this journey, and we strive to create a supportive community for all moms in Baton Rouge

My older son will be 4 years old in a week and, like so many parents, each year I find myself looking back at pictures and reflecting on his birthday. What does his birthday mean to us? How has this day impacted us? How have we spent every birthday before this one? In June of 2014 we got the exciting news that we were expecting our first child. We went through the first half of our pregnancy thinking everything was perfect. At my 20 week anatomy scan, we were told that our son had a two vessel umbilical cord. Most babies have three blood vessels: one vein, which brings nutrients from the placenta to the baby, and two arteries that...
I didn't think much of the Gestational Diabetes screening during my first pregnancy. I chugged the orange drink, waited an hour, then went on my way. This pregnancy, though, I was not so lucky. I had a few hints that I might have gestational diabetes before taking the screening, and the week before Christmas, the diagnosis was confirmed. Yes, I said the week before Christmas, one of the most deliciously carb-loaded holidays of all. My initial response was fear that I had somehow hurt my baby. Once I got over that, joined a few Facebook support groups, and learned from the dietician how to use my glucose meter, my mission was clear.  Wake Up Check Blood Sugar Breakfast: 15-30 g carbs Check Blood...
January 2015 I was 36 weeks pregnant with my daughter, and we found out that Ohio State was going to be playing Alabama in the Sugar Bowl - only an hour drive away! (*It's important to note here that my husband is from Ohio, and is a huge fan of The Ohio State University, otherwise this story just doesn't make any sense. I promise, promise promise we are not Bama fans!*) My husband was completely stoked and wanted nothing more than to see his team beat Bama in the Sugar Bowl in person. I, on the other hand, was a bit apprehensive because I would be 38 weeks pregnant when the Sugar Bowl came around. I told him there was absolutely no way I...
I didn’t miscarry my baby. I felt her die inside of me. I felt every contraction for days. I cried & begged & pleaded for life. I didn’t lose my baby. I was painfully aware of that life bleeding out of my body. She’s not lost, I’ll never forget her.  It’s been three years and I’m still plagued with thoughts who she would have been. I still cry over never getting to see her face or feel her move. Despite my doctor’s kind reassurance, I still fall into the black hole of “what if it *was* something I did.” Even when we did get pregnant again, I spent nine months holding my breath. I lied about date of my last period because I...

Continuing After Loss

You know how you feel when someone punches you in the stomach and you lose your breath for a few minutes? That is how I’ve felt about writing lately. As in for over six months. Traumatic experiences tend to mark you in some way and can take the wind out of your sails. Well, it has left me literally speechless. I’ve been writing for this blog for two years now. I love that moms from all backgrounds can share their stories and experiences, even sometimes regarding the same topic. There’s always something interesting and relatable. But lately, I’ve only been able to produce the monthly event guides, which are just the facts and don’t tell you anything about me at...

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Around Baton Rouge

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer It's that time of year we have been working towards all year long. Preparing three to...