
pregnant woman

Pregnancy is an exciting journey as you prepare to welcome your little one into the world. Although it can feel overwhelming, especially for first-time moms, Red Stick Mom provides a variety of helpful resources from seasoned moms. From selecting the best care providers to insights on using a doula we’ve got you covered every step of the way.

We understand that every pregnancy is special and unique, and our team of local Baton Rouge moms is committed to providing diverse perspectives on various aspects of motherhood. Whether you choose to have a medicated or natural birth , breast or bottle feed, we have resources from experienced moms that can help you make an informed decision about what is best for you and your baby.

At Red Stick Mom, we’re here for every step of your motherhood journey—pregnancy and beyond. For postpartum moms, we’ve got you covered with tips to conquer sleep deprivation, advice on self-care, and support for your mental health. Because let’s face it—taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of your little one.

Red Stick Mom is dedicated to helping you navigate the highs and lows of pregnancy and postpartum. We know the struggles and joys that come with this journey, and we strive to create a supportive community for all moms in Baton Rouge

We were so honored and thrilled to have the opportunity to gather approximately 80 Baton Rouge area moms last week in honor of motherhood. In partnership with Dr. Smith's, Baton Rouge General Medical Center and Zoes Kitchen we welcomed dozens of mothers and moms-to-be to Bloom, an event designed specifically for new and expectant moms in Baton Rouge. The Venue :: Baton Rouge General Baton Rouge General welcomed all of us with open arms. We loved being able to share their newly renovated birthing center with our guests, and all attendees left the event armed with some fun goodies thanks to our hosting venue as well. The best part? One Baton Rouge mom left with a crib that she won courtesy BRG!...
“When are you going to have another baby?” “Do you want an only child?” “Mommy, when can I be a big brother?” I’ll bet most couples have had these questions asked of them at one time or another. But for couples experiencing secondary infertility, these questions hurt. Couples who have had a previous pregnancy often think of themselves as having "normal" fertility, but this isn't always the case. Secondary infertility, or the inability to conceive subsequent biological children, can be frustrating, emotionally taxing, but is not uncommon. Recent statistics suggest that more than 3 million women of childbearing age in the U.S. who have one biological child have difficulty getting pregnant or carrying another to term. And roughly 800,000 married women with...
Disclosure :: BLOOM is a sponsored event designed just for expecting moms in Baton Rouge. This event made possible by partnerships with Baton Rouge General Hospital and the companies mentioned in this post. Bloom :: An Event for Expecting Moms in Baton Rouge Expecting moms in Baton Rouge won't want to miss our Bloom event on April 28, 2016! Please join us on Thursday, April 28 at 6:30pm Who :: all Baton Rouge area moms and moms-to-be (although you do not have to be expecting to attend!) What :: a {kid-free} evening in celebration of Mother’s Day and motherhood designed with expecting moms in Baton Rouge in mind Why :: Whether you’re expecting for the first or fourth time, have a brand new bundle of joy at home or are past...
Dear Friend, I have never told you this but I want to let you know that I think about you every time. Every time I post a new picture of my son on Facebook I think about you and hope I haven’t just made your day worse. I hope that when you see his latest antic and the mischievous grin that accompanies it, that it brings a smile to your face. But how can it? I don’t think I could smile if our roles were reversed. I know how badly you want a baby of your own. I know what you and your husband have been going through to try to make it happen; the specialists, the painful IVF shots, the...

Our Top 10 Posts in 2015

Wow, 2016 is fast-approaching!  We certainly plan on enjoying every moment during these last few weeks of the year, but we wanted to take some time to reflect on 2015 and see what YOU have loved most right here on the blog.  Our passion continues to be connecting moms in the Baton Rouge community and beyond. We hope you've enjoyed reading along this year as much as we've enjoyed sharing! So, without further ado, here are our TOP 10 most read and most loved posts in 2015! 10. A Letter to All You Unphotogenic Mothers: Exist in Photographs As Adriana so beautifully puts: So Mother, embrace who you are. Have courage and show yourself in photographs to your children and to yourself. Show your daughters...

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Around Baton Rouge

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer It's that time of year we have been working towards all year long. Preparing three to...