World's Okayest Dance Mom Tis’ the season of tutus and tap shoes! A new season of dance has begun. My daughter started her fourth year of dance this year and I’m not afraid to admit that I still don’t know what a plié is. You see, I love that she loves dance. I love that I’m able to provide her with an opportunity to be involved in dance. I know NOTHING about dance. Every week she puts on her tights and leotard and gets dropped off for an hour. What goes on in that class is a mystery to me. Only on our twice a year parent watch nights, and at the rehearsal and recital do I actually see all the...
Is Everyone's Life This Chaotic? Let me start by saying that I truly love my children. I have been blessed beyond what I deserve and I am intensely grateful for all that God has given me. I would also like to mention that God has blessed me with the truest form of variety when it comes to these children. Each of my girls are so different from the other, and it keeps our lives in a constantly unpredictable state. I sometimes wonder if that is the root of the chaos that seems to never end, but it could also be that I lack a sense of preparedness and flourish when it comes to last-minute anything. My husband and I recently decided...
Mom, I'm So Sad All The Time: Ending The Stigma Begins At Home In early 2021, both of my beautiful, amazing sons told their father and me that they were struggling with mental health issues. This was during a year that brought with it a cancer diagnosis for our 10 year old, more Covid chaos, the death of their grandfather (whom they loved dearly and saw almost weekly since their births) the death of their great-grandmother (whom they were also very close to), unrelenting anxiety and hopelessness for our 16-year old, plus the day-to-day struggles that life, middle school and high school brought with it.    As divorced co-parents, their father and I have made it clear that we are always open...
Instant Gratification Junkies :: Are We Raising Them?? I want what I want, and I want it NOW! Our lives are consumed with needs and wants, and for the most part, our society makes it pretty easy to obtain things quickly. Do any of these below sound familiar? Hungry and don’t have time to cook? There are drive-thru’s, gas station foods, and microwaves for that. Having a bad day at work and need some release? That’s what happy hours provide. Bored and need some entertainment? That’s exactly what scrolling through social media delivers. Kid throws a fit and you just need it to stop before you pull your hair out? Just give him what he wants! Emotionally taxing day with nearly unbearable...
The Struggle Is Real :: Overworked Educators And Stressed-Out Moms Amidst The School Bus Saga The recent school transportation issues have highlighted a major issue in education: underpaid school bus drivers. This ongoing battle is causing stress and disruption for school leaders, educators, and parents, as they try to cope with the lack of adequate transportation. This battle has exposed how school boards and the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education fail to provide adequate support to school systems, leaving students and their families without access to reliable transportation and consequently inadequate opportunities for academic success. The struggle of both educators and stressed-out moms is real, and it's time for real solutions to be put in place. The recent school transportation issues...

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Around Baton Rouge

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer It's that time of year we have been working towards all year long. Preparing three to...