Every August, my husband and I (we are both teachers) make our annual shopping trip to the mall for some school year clothing staples. The kids get their wardrobes updated each July, but we have to wait until our second August paycheck, after we spent the first one on the typical back-to-school demands: supplies, shoes, school fees, and uniforms.  We decided to divide and conquer. He took the boys with him to the men's department while I had the girls with me. I quickly grabbed pairs of pants, blouses, and dresses, each of various sizes, to haul into the fitting room with me because I had no idea what size I am. Always pressured for time, I squeezed in and...
Imagine this ... a dimly lit room, dozens of free movies to watch (and even more TV show options), two full meals delivered to you, and not a single child climbing on you. Sounds like Heaven, right? I got to experience that Heaven this past May on a 17 hour flight to Brisbane, Australia. It was glorious! While others might complain about being stuck in a metal tube for 2/3 of a day, I embraced it and enjoyed every minute of it! I caught up on all the new releases I didn't have time to watch (namely, Black Panther), and I didn't cook a single meal! Best of all, no one was demanding my attention, climbing on me, or yelling...
From the moment we found out we were pregnant with our first, my husband and I were elated! We couldn't wait to share our exciting news. I even remember complaining that I wasn't showing yet -- I wanted the world to know and share in our excitement. Nine months felt like an eternity. I was so ready! What I wasn't prepared for were all the Negative Nancies (and Normans) who would inundate us with ominous prophecies about what parenting would bring. It didn't matter how happy we were. It was as if they wanted to bring us back down to earth from the cloud we were floating on. And every statement seemed to begin the same way: "Just wait ... " When...
As I write this, I've got The Weather Channel on in the background watching all-too-familiar scenes of hurricane coverage. We know that the storm will pass and the recovery can last for years. The anticipation leading up to the storm is excellent attention-grabbing news. Shots of storm surge ushering damaging water into coastal homes, leaving destruction (and sand-filled living rooms) are fascinating. Watching the roof come off of a gas station is ... interesting. Watching the trees bend to the point of near breaking behind a kamikaze weather man from the comfort of my couch (this time) is ... entertaining(?). After the storm, the news coverage will taper off. The weather man and his full-body slicker have lived to fight...
Love is an emotion that is one of the hardest to define. Is it a feeling? Is it a decision? Is it blind? Is it madness? Are there different types of love? Loving someone is never logical. We always try to make sense of what it means to love and be loved, but everyone seems to have a different opinion of what true love is. This morning, my daughter and I exchanged a series of “I love yous” and “I love you mores,” and I couldn’t help but forget about any problem I’ve been facing in my life. As we stared at each other and expressed our deep seeded love for one another, nothing else mattered. I wanted to...

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Around Baton Rouge

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer It's that time of year we have been working towards all year long. Preparing three to...