My pregnancy started like most pregnancies do: with a positive home pregnancy test. As we stared at the little plus sign on the stick in my hand, my husband and I were overjoyed with the idea of adding to our brood. What name will we give this new little one? Do you remember where we stored the bouncy seat? How should we tell everyone?
We decided to wait until the proverbial 12 weeks had passed before telling our children the good news. After all, we had already seen our little bean’s heartbeat on ultrasound and knew the odds of a miscarriage were greatly reduced by that time. So, the day we completed Week 12, we announced our pregnancy by handing...
I am not who I used to be. I use words like “potty” and “tummy.” I am more gentle when speaking and will talk to any child I come into contact with.
I am not who I used to be. I no longer stay up past 9:00 p.m. The days are longer now. The evenings are so hectic. My eyes are heavy by the end of the afternoon. I run only on adrenaline now.
I am not who I used to be. My car is always messy. Crumbs and completed school assignments are everywhere. I used to take pride in my car but we are always in it now, so it’s harder to keep clean.
I am not who I used to...
I think we can all agree that parenting and mommyhood can be supremely isolating. Stay at home moms, working moms, work from home moms … so many combos these days and all of them have their own quirks and differences. But in that, I find myself often wondering, am I the only one like me? This question is born out of some frustration and true wonder.
Am I the only full-time working single mom in a demanding career job? Am I the only mom who has a flexible daytime, but not necessarily available for playdates? I can't tell you how many times I have been asked for a weekday playdate, and I explain AGAIN that I work full-time. "Oh like ACTUALLY full-time?!"
You jump on Facebook and what do you see? Another name with a hashtag in front of it. As I write this two more names have been added to an already too long list within five days. Clearly there is a problem. I am not anti-cop, anti-American or anti-military. As a matter of fact I have police officers and servicemen in my immediate family. I have seen their sacrifice and I know their hearts. I believe firmly that most cops that are well trained, take pride in their occupation and are very very good and even heroic people. I am none of the things that I hear people mention as arguments when minorities take a stand on racism. What...
You read that right. Don’t do it. Just don’t.
Lately, I have found my dislike for social media to grow stronger by the day. It’s not what you think though. You see, I love me some good ol' social media. I love to keep my family and friends up to date on all the crazy shenanigans my boys are up to. I love to connect with other mammas and help them through parenting ups and downs. I love the incredible tool it was in building my business. But you see the thing I’m liking less and less about social media is the people. The people that use it as a tool to tear down other people.
I’ve never been a fan...