The Unlikely Bully

"She was bullying him." Those words. Those very words were spoken to me about my daughter. In that moment was I full of disappointment, anxiety, sorrow, fear, anger, and embarrassment. My sweet, bright eyed, loving child who prays for passing ambulances and readily offers to donate her toys had been the offender toward another human being. She had used her words to cut down another child. They say "sticks and stones," but we all know that it's not true. Words hurt. I will not share the details of the incident, but suffice it to say this incident was a personal low for my daughter and for me as a parent. I have a personal rule that I will not complain about...
Let me start by saying that there are two versions of me. There is the version that exists in my head, and there is the version that actually lives my life. The version in my head is mildly obsessive. I walk through the house,  I see that something is out of place, and it triggers discontent. I have a plan in my head of how the pantry should be organized. And I understand that if I do all the dishes at night, I will have a better morning. But the version of me that lives this life is at war with the other me. The me that lives in reality is often completely exhausted by 9:00pm, even if the clothes...
When it comes to presidential elections, I think it's safe to say that we have never seen anything quite like the one we're currently experiencing, at least in modern times. Reporters are writing stories on the anxiety and fear that Americans are experiencing as the election draws near. Add social media to the mix where people can post, share and comment however they so choose behind their computer screen, and it's no wonder we're all at least a little anxious and fearful.    Social media is one thing. I can keep scrolling. I can remove myself if I choose to (and I do). But what if there is political discord at home?  My husband and I are basically on the same page on...

Learning to Say Yes

I often read articles encouraging moms to have the freedom to say 'no.' Many of us are spreading ourselves too thin. We feel the pressure to volunteer for everything, partake in as many of the kids' activities as possible, and pack our weekends full of sports, parties and play-dates. I wholeheartedly agree that it's okay to say no. In the same breath, I find myself searching for the encouragement to say 'yes' -- for myself. The strength to care for me. In the hustle of the day, getting everyone ready, work, school, food, etc, etc, taking time for yourself is easy to put last on the list. The yoga class I used to go to? That means waking up even...
My pregnancy started like most pregnancies do: with a positive home pregnancy test. As we stared at the little plus sign on the stick in my hand, my husband and I were overjoyed with the idea of adding to our brood. What name will we give this new little one? Do you remember where we stored the bouncy seat? How should we tell everyone? We decided to wait until the proverbial 12 weeks had passed before telling our children the good news. After all, we had already seen our little bean’s heartbeat on ultrasound and knew the odds of a miscarriage were greatly reduced by that time. So, the day we completed Week 12, we announced our pregnancy by handing...

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Around Baton Rouge

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer It's that time of year we have been working towards all year long. Preparing three to...