You jump on Facebook and what do you see? Another name with a hashtag in front of it. As I write this two more names have been added to an already too long list within five days. Clearly there is a problem. I am not anti-cop, anti-American or anti-military. As a matter of fact I have police officers and servicemen in my immediate family. I have seen their sacrifice and I know their hearts. I believe firmly that most cops that are well trained, take pride in their occupation and are very very good and even heroic people. I am none of the things that I hear people mention as arguments when minorities take a stand on racism. What...
You read that right. Don’t do it. Just don’t. Lately, I have found my dislike for social media to grow stronger by the day. It’s not what you think though. You see, I love me some good ol' social media. I love to keep my family and friends up to date on all the crazy shenanigans my boys are up to. I love to connect with other mammas and help them through parenting ups and downs. I love the incredible tool it was in building my business. But you see the thing I’m liking less and less about social media is the people. The people that use it as a tool to tear down other people. I’ve never been a fan...
Texting. Goodness gracious, can I give the inventor of texting a loud and proud high five? Texting is a wonderful way to quickly communicate with each other. I love texting and prefer it over phone calls while juggling homework, cooking supper, and putting on a load of laundry in the evenings. However the downfall to texting for me is in the act of actually responding. Every.Single.Day. My phone dings, signifying a text has come through. I glance at my phone and read the message. Then somewhere in the process of replying in my head and actually typing it out there is a misfire, a distraction that keeps me from responding. I put my phone down, then POOF, my mind is on to the next thing. That little red number on my...
It's not very often moms get to sneak away for a girls trip to the beach. It turns out we didn't pick the greatest weekend to do so, but we wouldn't realize that until after we arrived. So I gave hugs goodbye and left for a girls weekend away with three main instructions for my husband when it came to our son: Make sure he eats some veggies. Put him to bed at a reasonable time. No peeing outside. The third one sounds a little odd, but we'd been casually teaching our son about using the toilet and he was about to move up to the potty training class at daycare. Early on he would go outside with daddy. It was cute and...

Self Care in Crisis

We are all moms here, generally speaking, and we all probably laugh out loud at the thought of self-care. I know my idea of self-care is using my regular sitter at least one Thursday a month so I can enjoy a $4 margarita with college friends at Zippy’s. There are no massages; very rarely is there “me time” and I’m sure I’m not the only one still hoping to lose two-year- old baby weight … but when is a single mom supposed to work out?! Where and when and how does self-care happen? Well, about a month ago I decided to join a gym and shoot for a weight loss challenge. I was making time for ME to get healthy...

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