I dropped the kids off with their cousins and used a spa gift card I had been holding on to for months, just waiting for a free moment.
I intentionally arrived early and left my phone in the locker so that I could just BE for a little bit. As I sat and thought about what I loved about my life, about my husband, and about each one of my girls, I realized something.
At some point in all of this living, I forgot to dream. I forgot to dream of what I want my children’s character to be when they grow up and of what I wanted to pass on to them.
I forgot to dream about the things that make me happy and to make time to add those things to my life.
I forgot to dream about what our life would be like if we had no burdens, no struggles. I forgot to dream about the future because I was so busy looking down at the daily tasks before me. And when I started to dream about those things, I realized that there are things I can do every day to get us closer to those dreams.
Friend, here is your reminder to take a minute and look up. Dream of what you want your life, your future to look like, and then start making those dreams reality.