Four Reasons You Should Consider Giving Your Kids Elderberry Supplements For Allergy Relief
We’re all excited about the advent of warmer, sunnier days ahead. But along with the seasonal changes, we also have to deal with Louisiana’s pollen buildup. Approximately 1 in 5 people, about 50 million Americans – including more than 6 million children – suffer from allergic rhinitis (commonly known as hay fever), according to the Allergy and Asthma Foundation of America. Chances are, you and your little ones may be one of the many targets allergies claim – suffering from weepy, inflamed, and even painful symptoms. But identifying the symptoms is usually the first of many difficult steps. From unpronounceable ingredients to tricky dosages to worrying side effects, navigating the store aisles to find infant-and child-safe allergy relief is a nightmare. Wrestling your child to take their sugary, sickly dosage is even worse. Thankfully, there’s an easy solution.
Arm Their Immune System
Did you know that one of the strongest, natural immune system building ingredients and allergy-symptom reducers is (Organic) Black Elderberry? It is nutritious, delicious, and safe for all ages!
These berries are packed with phytochemicals known as “flavonoids” which have been shown to provide high antioxidant protection against cell damage.
Antioxidants and cytokine modulations in elderberries contribute support the immune system, and – even more excitingly – have potential antiviral and antibacterial properties, per a 2011 study.
Elderberry treatments have also been shown to reduce Streptococcus and Branhamella catarrhalis species’ bacterial growth, which can often lead to infections of the upper respiratory tract.
Ease discomforts directly through natural resources! Elderberry products from Andi Lynn’s Pure & Custom Formulary are safe for your whole family – from yourself down to the tiniest baby!
What We Recommend Our trusted, Louisiana-based company is dedicated to crafting the purest compositions to provide organic balance while building physical health and overall wellness. Andi Lynn’s easily-digestible Herbal Syrups, Drops, Tonics and Teas are lovingly handcrafted through the use of organic and ethically-sourced plants, flowers, and local honey – with a taste that kids love! Gentle enough for the youngest baby, all-natural ingredients, and kid-approved flavor. Guaranteed.
Elderberries are featured in the following products:
Inhale Drops
Breathe easy with these specialty sinus and respiratory drops. Leave allergy symptoms in the dust. A choice blend of herbs is antiviral, supports circulation, and acts to replenish mucus membrane linings. Allows for easy breathing around common allergens such as pollen, dust, mold, pet dander, and air pollution.
Pure Elderberry Syrup
Andi Lynn’s Pure Elderberry Syrup is lovingly handcrafted with organic Black Elderberry, filtered water, and local, fresh honey mixture and loaded with flavor. Spoon into hot or iced tea, lemonade, or your favorite protein smoothie. Delicious straight from the spoon! Andi Lynn’s Pure Elderberry Syrup is safe for children and adults. It includes organic herbs, locally sourced-honey and is Gluten-free.
Pure/Baby Blend Drops
“Pure’s” organic Elderberry extract is derived from small-batch processes that preserve the plant’s beneficial qualities to deliver natural, organic drops loaded with vitamins, minerals, and anthocyanins gentle enough for a newborn. Again – this product includes no chemical preservatives and is organic, locally-sourced, Gluten-free, Vegan and Kosher certified.
We hope the information provided has helped provide a solid understanding of the plant’s qualities and healthful features. If you’ve had experience planting this herb or have tried out our Organic Black Elderberry products, please feel free to give us a review or your feedback by emailing us at [email protected]. We’d love to know how it worked out for you!
Learn more about Andi Lynn’s Pure & Custom Formulary
*****These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.****
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