How to Have a Father’s Day-Inspired Mother’s Day


How to Have a Father’s Day-Inspired Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is a much-needed day to acknowledge and applaud the infinite effort that goes into birthing, raising, and forever cheerleading children.

Mothers make life happen. But when that level of responsibility is involved, it is easy for the planning of Mother’s Day to still fall on Mom.

What if this year’s Mother’s Day could be Father’s Day themed?

Father’s Day planning begins with the question of “what would you like to do this year?” but the logistics that follow are manhandled by their partner (which is a gift into itself). The agenda is as follows:  an activity, a gift card to a guaranteed dad approved designation (Bass Pro/ Lowe’s / Amazon, anyone?), a more thoughtful gift, a social media tribute (with attractive pictures of the dad), meals catered to the dad’s taste, the assumption that childcare responsibilities are mostly waived for the day, possibly a child-free man activity and a photo opportunity to reassure everyone that he is indeed a good dad.

So, what could a Mother’s Day look like, Father’s Day style?

Mom’s To-do List:

  1. Think: “What would I like to do this year?” Be honest. Tired? Get a massage. Bored? Go on a day trip. In need of touch ups? Get a manicure. Feeling the love? Family day. Decide what sounds best, considering how you feel this year.
  2. Share this blog with your partner.

Partner’s To-do List:

  1. Partner, read these steps and make it happen. Give the mother of your children a break and execute a great Mother’s Day. You are capable!
  2. Select an activity. Brunch, pedicure, picnic, pool day, lazy day, park moment … wherever it is – look it up, make reservations, check to see if it is possible … pick something so that something actually happens on Mother’s Day.             
  3. Give a gift card to a mom-beloved place. By now, it would be helpful to know where your partner shops / eats / enjoys. Ask! A few that come to my mind: shop: Amazon, Target, TJ Maxx, Royal Standard | spa: Bumble Lane Spa, St. Michel’s Spa | beauty: Ulta, Sephora | caffeine: CC’s Community Coffee, Starbucks, PJs …
  4. Give a thoughtful gift. This can be tough. Ask, and write it down when she responds. It’s possible your partner has a wish list on Amazon, so look it up. Flowers are nice but coupled with a framed photograph of her looking like an amazing mother is even better. Asking her best friend / mom (who has good taste) is also a great way to get a link texted to you, which ups the odds of successfully gifting the mother of your children what she deserves.
  5. Post a social media tribute: Pick a few pictures, even just one picture where she looks stunning. Flattering angles, eyes open, preferably with children who also look angelic. Bonus points if it is a picture that has not been shared on social media before. On iPhones, go to photos, albums, people- this is the easiest way for you to pick out gorgeous photos of the mom to celebrate. For wording, basic is fine, but incorporating a specific compliment about her particular strength/ style of mothering goes a long way. (Example: “We love you and your French braiding and Christmas wrapping skills. Thanks for all you do!”)
  6. Eat, mom style. What does mom like to eat? Does she like a big spread or would coffee in bed do wonders? Salad? BBQ? Pho? Adult meals that get eaten when the food is hot? Make it happen. A well-fed mom is a happy mom.           
  7. Do the chores. Meals, baths, laundry, cleaning, time outs… whatever the day’s bare minimum. Let Mom have a real break.
  8. How much of a break does mom need? It might be nice if she gets to take her own mother out to lunch. Or have a marg with other moms. Father’s Day style might involve golf, working out – what’s Mom’s version of that?
  9. Finally, take a great pic of Mom with the kids. Usually, it is the mom documenting family life, so take that extra moment to capture her in action. And if your kids are not at a photogenic age, a video will suffice.

I would guess that attempting even half of these ideas will provide an epic Mother’s Day, Father’s Day style. Making your family’s life happen is a lot of work. Moms, enjoy your Mother’s Day, you deserve it!

Melissa Fleming
Melissa Fleming lives in Prairieville, Louisiana with her husband, Blake, and their three beautiful daughters: Evelyn (5), Clara (3), and Chloe (2). She graduated from LA Tech with a B.A. in journalism and then earned her M.Ed. and Ph.D. in counselor education from UNO. She is the owner of MWF Counseling, LLC. In between seeing clients and chasing toddlers, she enjoys watching Real Housewives and drinking as much caffeinated tea as possible.


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