Hurricane Prep 101 :: A Tale of Two Brothers, Their Mom, and Old School Fun

Hurricane Prep 101 :: A Tale of Two Brothers, Their Mom, and Old School Fun

As the hurricane warning sounds on our phone, our household transforms into a whirlwind of prep mode. Jack and Jacob, my miniature managers, take charge with their expertise and enthusiasm. With their tips and my mom-hacks, we’re ready to weather the storm in style.

Jack’s Tip #1: Get More Snacks

“Mom, we need goldfish crackers and Fruit Roll-Ups… and cookies!” Jack’s priorities are clear. I smile, knowing a happy belly equals a happy kid.

Jacob’s Tip #2: Bathtub Water

Jacob, my little engineer, reminds me to fill the tub with water for flushing toilets and washing hands. “We don’t want stinky hands, Mom!” (Cool tip: food coloring is always fun)

Mom’s Tip #3: Gather Hurricane Kit Essentials

Our kit includes:

– Flashlights and extra batteries

– Battery-powered radio and chargers

– Non-perishable food and water (thanks, Jack!)

– First aid kit

Important documents and phone numbers (maybe even in a binder!)

Mom’s Tip #4: Old School Fun

Board games, cards, and puzzles are so much fun.

We’ll play:

– Flashlight Tag (like regular tag, but with flashlights!)

– Flashlight Shadow Puppets

– “I Spy”

– Card games like Go Fish and War

– Storytelling sessions (where we make up our own tales)

Jack’s Tip #5: Charge Everything… and Then Unplug!

“Mom, don’t forget to charge our phones and laptops… and then unplug them so they don’t get zapped!”

Jacob’s Tip #6: Bring in Outdoor Toys…

I forgot to bring in the water guns.

Jack’s Tip #7: Have a Dance Party!

“Can we have a dance party with flashlights?” This is always so much fun. Jack is a very talented dancer.

As the storm approaches, our household is ready. With snacks stocked, bathtub filled, and devices charged, we’ll ride out the hurricane together. Jack and Jacob’s contributions remind me that even in uncertainty, there’s room for laughter, learning, and old school fun.

Stay safe for all future hurricanes, friends!


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