Mom-stagrams Worth Following

Is it just me, or is Instagram downright exhausting at times? Scrolling through feed after feed of perfect moms in their perfect clothes living their seemingly perfect lives gets both boring and disheartening. Don’t get me wrong; my relationship with these Mom-stragrammers is totally love / hate. When I’m looking for outfit inspiration, they’re the first people I turn to, but when I’m looking for some good ole mom talk, not so much. Sure, these mamas are amazing at curating the perfect “highlight reel” of their lives and their pictures are so beautiful and inspiring, but they aren’t real life. And when I’m in the same outfit from the day before with unwashed hair and a baby on my hip, their highlight reel is kind of the last thing I want to see.

While I totally respect the ingenuity it takes to turn this whole social media game into an actual business (and making bank at it, too), the “influencers” I really respect are those mamas who have done the same thing while also keeping it 100% real. You know, the kind of mamas who show their imperfections and their messy house and their DIY projects and the times their kids threw a temper tantrum at Target. Those mamas are my people. And frankly, I think we could all use a little more of that in our lives. Can I get an AMEN?

So, where are all these REAL mom-strammgers at? Finding them is about as rare as winning the lottery and feels almost as exciting. You might be surprised at some of the names you’ll find on my list of Momstragram gold, but I promise you won’t be disappointed.

Lynzy Coughlin (@lynzyandco)

This chick is about as real as it gets. She went through her third pregnancy while I was in my first, and I seriously looked forward to her stories From her postpartum weight loss journey to breastfeeding to finances, she’s up front and honest about it all. I really respect and appreciate her candidness and vulnerability, and would LOVE to see more mom-stagrammers do the same.

Jennifer Garner (@jennifer.garner)

Look, I know she’s a celebrity and all, but girlfriend has been through a lot lately. If I were her, the LAST thing I would be doing is sharing my personal life on social media and if I did, I certainly wouldn’t be as open as she is. Her hilarious posts about wearing the *ahem* unique creations your children make for you or dressing up as “Zero the Hero” for the 100th day of school make her posts surprisingly relatable. 

Catherine (Giudici) Lowe (@catherinegiudici)

Whether you’re a fan of The Bachelor or not, Catherine Giudici’s profile is worth a follow. She keeps it 100 percent real in her Insta-stories (usually filmed mid-pumping or feeding session) and it’s really a joy to witness the growth of her little family. 

Abby Mullens (@babblingabby)

If you’re looking for perfectly styled and edited posts, this is not the Instagram to follow (but you totally should anyway). Abby Mullen’s Instagram (and blog, for that matter) has been one of my favorites for years. Her willingness to share her struggles with infertility,  road to adoption, financial status, and even nightly dinners make me wish we were friends in the real world. 

Us mamas have to stick together. When we constantly strive to make our lives look perfect instead of relatable, we might accidentally make others feel like they’re failing. I’m guilty of it, too. We all already have enough stress on our plates without the added pressure of curating the perfect life. I look forward to the day when my feed is full of mama’s celebrating all of life’s moments and seasons, even the imperfect ones. That’s one feed I’d be happy to follow. 

Haley and her husband live in Baton Rouge with their baby girl, Landry Kate. She is a native of Baton Rouge and attend LSU, where she graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education and a Masters degree in the Art of Teaching. She now works as an elementary school teacher and barre instructor. Though she has only been at it for a little while, there is nothing Haley loves more than being a mother. In her free time, Haley enjoys walking the LSU lakes with her family and their 2 dogs, listening to her favorite podcasts, cooking, and running. She is excited to share her experiences as a first time mom.


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