‘Twas the first week of summer
And the kids slept in.
We ate long breakfasts
As we lounged in the den.
As we talked all about the places we’d go.
Exciting arts and crafts were underway.
Over the weeks, we buzzed around town
Like busy bees sunup to sundown.
Carefree were we with our sun-kissed skin,
The days too short to fit it all in.
But as summer went on it got hotter and hotter.
We were only outside if in some kind of water.
The heat made my children red like cherries,
And their temperament grew quite contrary.
There was whining and tattling and not sharing toys,
And once-organized rooms were completely destroyed.
If the most-said phrase could win an award,
It would certainly be, “Mommy, I’m bored!”
I was starting to run out of fuel.
How many days were there until school?
‘Twas the last week of summer
In the middle of the day.
We were still in pajamas
I am embarrassed to say.
The kids ate Skittles and Rice Krispie treats,
They were now surviving mostly on sweets.
We had given up on making any plans,
And electronics were in every hand.
Toys were scattered everywhere.
Strangely, I didn’t even care.
School supplies had all been bought.
There’s no fight that had not been fought.
I tucked my kids in on the night before school
After a long day at the neighborhood pool.
They were restlessly lying in their beds,
Visions of the playground danced in their heads.
Their backpacks were hung by the door with care
In hopes that the school day soon would be there.
I closed my eyes and fell fast asleep.
Later I awoke to the alarm clock’s beep.
The kids got dressed and ate in a flash,
Then out the door we all made a dash.
When what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a big school bus, I shouted, “it’s here!”
My hero on wheels was all dressed in yellow.
The driver greeted us with a warm “hello!”
Coffee in hand I waved goodbye
And let out an exhausted sigh.
In the quiet wreckage of my home,
Now that I was sitting all alone,
Is when I saw my daughter’s art,
It said, “this was my favorite part!”
The picture showed us on the couch in pajamas
In a sea of clothes they were snuggled on Mama,
Eating junk food while we watched cartoons,
We didn’t care that it was already noon.
My heart swelled and tears filled my eyes
Because this was a big surprise,
That even on the long, boring days
Sweet summer memories were still made.
About Rachel Chustz