My Monthly “To-do” List

So, I actually don’t think of this as a to-do list. I think of it as a “remember the big picture” list. I have a bad habit of staying in love with my calendar and relishing in checking off tasks. If this sounds familiar, read on. This list helps me remember the big picture of being a mom, a daughter, a friend, and a professional. I encourage you to make something like it of your own!

  1. Reach Out to a Prominent Contact

A lot of people do this in [what I think is] a very unnatural way. They reach out to someone occasionally so they do not come out of the blue when they need a reference in the future. I only do this in a way that will add value to another person’s day.

If something a former boss taught me has been very helpful to me lately, I reach out and thank them for that. If someone I admire in my field, faith, etc. made the news in a positive way, I congratulate them. I want to let the people that influence me know they are having a positive impact on others.

This is for the SAHM, too. Reach out to people that inspire you and stay connected with good influences.

  1. Take My Daughter Somewhere New

It’s so easy to get in a routine and not venture out. Whether it be the zoo, a new playground, or a new museum, I take my daughter somewhere new every month.

3. Buy a Christmas Gift

I mainly do this for the people that are difficult to shop for. If I dedicate a whole month to shopping for a person that “already has everything” or “just wants a gift card,” I can find a way to get him or her something thoughtful.

This is my first time doing this, so I’m excited for this Christmas to come around and already have presents that I’m excited to give to my friends and family. Specifically, the ones I inevitably get stressed about every December.

There are a ton of budget-friendly, customizable gifts on Etsy that I have been buying this year and putting away for Christmas. It’s nice to not worry about the arrival date and selecting the cheapest shipping.

  1. Take My Daughter Out to Eat

I take my daughter out on a date every month. I love eating out. I went through a phase when she was about to turn two where I avoided going out to eat with people because she was so difficult to handle in a restaurant. So, I started forcing myself to go sit down in a restaurant, just the two of us.

Over time, she got much better and we started having a great time. I was proud I started doing small things to not lose a part of myself over the fear of being embarrassed. Now, for the most part, our outings always go pretty smoothly.


  1. Buy a “Just Because” Gift

I love giving (and getting ????) gifts. It makes me and my friends and family joyful to get a surprise in the mail.

  1. Look at Jobs

I’m very happy with my job, but I know it’s important to know what is going on in my industry.

For example, I recently noticed a huge gap in experience requirements in public relations in the Baton Rouge area. Most job openings are entry-level or a minimum of 10 years of experience. That has shown me that I have an opportunity to better myself right now, so I’ve been looking into various continuing education programs.

One more thing: I have to stop myself several times a month from putting a cleaning task on here ????

Deon Sumer
Hi, I’m Deon! I grew up in Zachary, Louisiana. I am currently attending Southern University Law Center part-time, where I am also a teaching assistant, with the intention of practicing family law. I work full-time at the East Baton Rouge Law Office of the Public Defender as a secretary. I had my daughter, Evelyn, in the fall of 2018 and am engaged to an amazing, supportive man named Ryan. I love traveling and exploring new places. A plane ticket to anywhere with a rental car waiting for me is a solid vacation. I have a degree in mass communications with a concentration in public relations and a minor in political science from LSU. I have a rescue dog at home and love helping with animal welfare efforts. My daughter’s first word was dog (or ‘gog’). I'm also always looking for ways to join the fight against Louisiana's domestic violence epidemic. I spend the majority of my free time gardening or wandering around our neighborhood with my family.


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