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Let’s see how we are preparing for that back to school routine!
Preparing for that back to school routine with ease.
I can hear everyone already. All the “Ugh’s” and “FINALLY!” coming from all those who are somehow connected to the upcoming school year. It all hits us a little different, right? One thing that hits me the hardest is the thought of that early morning schedule. We have been going with the summer routine for 2 months now, and nobody wants that early morning rush around.
An early morning wakeup bootcamp.
So how am I going to better prepare us? Early morning training that is! Yep. I don’t wait until the first day of school to start waking my kids up early. I start days before. This isn’t only helpful for them, but also helps me get better prepared for getting all the things ready before heading out the door. Preparing for that back to school routine with sleep management.
Along with the early morning wakeup practices, I also try and do a better job at getting my kids to bed by a certain time. We normally don’t venture to far from this bedtime routine during the summer, but I like to get a bit more of a grip on it. They will then know what is expected of them and waking up earlier, fingers crossed, won’t be as much of an issue.
Giving those school uniforms a test run.
I know I am not the only one who does this. We give those school uniforms a test run. Even though I am pretty sure they fit, I always like to do a double check. Nothing worse than realizing the morning of that nothing fits. Not the way any of us want to start the first day of school! Here is an awesome post from our Lafayette sister site that will help you get those school uniforms organized.
Talk about school lunches.
This may seem silly to some, but not to this family. I am getting a head start on all my lunch plans. My kids normally do a mixture of eating school lunches and packed lunchboxes. I plan to come up with a running lunchbox ideas list before the school year. Meal prepping at its best! We will go over all the options for their school lunchboxes and the possibilities of what all can be packed in them.
This would be a great time to get them involved as well. Ask them things they would like in their lunchboxes, maybe even things that they can throw in the lunchbox themselves.
Have a family meeting and conversation about the new school year.
I think this is really important. Giving your kids the opportunity to talk about how they feel about the new school year. If there is any anxiety about it, preparing for the back to school routine with a family meeting will hopefully help them feel a little better about all the unknowns of the new year. I know I feel better when I can just talk about it. Our kids are not that much different. Check out The Five P’s for Managing Back to School Anxiety!
Here’s to a new school year full of all the possibilities!
I am hoping you all have a wonderful school year! Here’s to us preparing for that back to school routine. What are some things you are doing to better prepare for the upcoming school year?
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