At Red Stick Mom, we are on a journey to continuously learn about the importance of supporting our neighbors in marginalized communities where disparity is far too prevalent, specifically in the black community. We’ve been happy to share in supporting various black-owned local businesses and are having conversations with our kids about race. We want to continue to show support which is why are highlighting local organizations who are working diligently to serve our neighbors of color in the Greater Baton Rouge area. Our hope is to raise awareness about the great work they are already doing and share it with others. We are excited to put the spotlight on an amazing non-profit organization, the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Baton Rouge.
How did the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Baton Rouge start?
In 1981, with the help of the Capital Area United Way and community leaders, the Boys Club was chartered in Baton Rouge and began serving boys at an old fire station on Winbourne Avenue. In 1990, the name was changed to the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Baton Rouge. Since then, the Club has been at the forefront of youth development work in the Baton Rouge area, working with both boys & girls, many living in disadvantaged economic and social circumstances. Today the Club serves more than 8,000 youth annually.
What does the Boys & Girls Club do in the community?
The Boys & Girls Club reaches the youth in our community in various ways. Most notably known for the After-School and Summer Enrichment Programs, members participate in fun and educational programs that support their school-day learning & prevent summer learning loss respectively. Though we facilitate these programs at a limited number of schools, we also have a virtual experience called “Club OnDemand” that is available to all youth.
The Boys & Girls Club also houses other programs to reach children near and far.
“Youth Volunteer Corps” inspires a spirit of service in youth, ages 11 -18. By partnering with other organizations, we facilitate service-learning opportunities that help the youth feel a broader sense of responsibility to society.
“Youth Legislature” introduces middle school students to the legislative process. This program takes place in more than 45 schools throughout 13 parishes in Louisiana.
“Be Safe Be Smart” addresses children’s social and emotional development and teaches them to interact positively with others through bullying prevention education. This program reaches more than 4,600 students K – 5th grade in 13 parishes.
Adults also have the opportunity to serve through our AmeriCorps program. Our AmeriCorps members gain skills that allow them to address critical needs in the community while earning money for college and developing a lifetime ethic of service.
The Mission
Our mission is to enable all young people, especially those that need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens. We accomplish this through a broad range of programs in 5 Core Program Areas: Education & Career Development, Leadership & Service, Health & Wellness, The Arts, and Sports & Recreation. Member’s regular attendance and participation in these targeted programs help us reach our priority outcomes of Academic Success, Healthy Lifestyle Promotion, and Character and Citizenship.
How you can support the Boys & Girls Club
Community members can support the Boys & Girls Club by volunteering in our programs, spreading the word about the impact of the work we do, or donating. When you donate online to Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Baton Rouge, you join our cause and directly support children in your community. No matter how little or big the amount, donating can start making a difference in the lives of young people who need us most.
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