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School Bus Safety Tips
As summer is coming to an end and the new school year is right around the corner,
it is a great idea to sit down with your kids and remind them of some school bus
safety tips that will reduce their chance of getting hurt.
As I was reviewing school bus safety on www.safekids.org for my own kids, I thought to myself, surely our kids get a refresher on these safety rules from the school, but the scary realization is that they probably do not.
Unfortunately, in my line of work, I have seen some tragic accidents resulting in severe, life-changing injuries for adults and children alike. My hope is that these posts will bring awareness to hazards we don’t typically think about until it is too late. So, let’s all #Rememberthe5 school bus safety tips as our kids are starting to get back into the groove of the new school year. From the attorneys at Smith Shanklin Sosa Personal Injury Law Firm, we wish everyone a happy and safe school year!

1. Dropped Items
Remind your children that if they drop something, they should tell the bus driver
before they go to pick it up. This should remind the bus driver that your child is
near the bus even if they cannot see them. Tragic accidents have occurred while
children were picking up dropped items near the school bus.

2. Straps and Drawstrings
When children are exiting the bus, straps and drawstrings may get caught in the

3. THREE Giant Steps
It is a good idea for children to stand at least three giant steps back from the curb
as the bus approaches and board the bus one at a time.

4. Passenger Back Wheel
Children should not go near the passenger back wheel of the bus. It is one of the
most dangerous areas of the bus.

5. FIVE Giant Steps
If your child needs to cross the street after exiting the bus, he or she should take
five giant steps in front of the bus, make eye contact with the bus driver and cross
when the driver indicates it’s safe. Teach kids to look left, right and left again
before crossing the street.