Disclosure :: This post is sponsored by Studyville. That said, as Baton Rouge moms we couldn’t be more excited about taking the summer reading assignments off of our personal to do lists.
End The Summer Reading Battles

Summer Reading Assignments? Done.
You’ve heard us rave about Studyville before. When Studyville opened in summer 2020, we shared all of the scoop about why Baton Rouge moms should have this tutoring and educational service on speed dial. Sometimes our kids need additional help with their school work, and as busy working moms we just don’t have the time (or, let’s face it, know how) to assist our children with their school work. A revolutionary teen work space, Studyville is located in Perkins Rowe to help guide Baton Rouge students through school assignments, summer reading, test prep and more.
If the Baton Rouge heat and humidity didn’t make it obvious, summer is here and you know what that means: there’s a required summer reading list somewhere in cyberspace or crumbled up in a student’s smelly backpack thrown haphazardly into the back of their closet. Summer reading assignments can vary based on teachers and grade levels, from the “Just read 2 books!” to the “Pick a book from this boring, random list of authors you have never heard of and annotate fully.”
Baton Rouge Summer Reading Camps
With various summer reading camps, look no further for assistance in tackling those summer reading assignments. Studyville is here to help.
The Finer Things Book Club {July 5 – 9 and July 19 – 23}
The most exclusive club at Studyville, students will choose from our recommended summer reading lists and get their choice books read and done. We will discuss book-club style, introduce them to annotation, review amongst peers, and present book reports at the end. Yep, your work is done. Quit asking, “Have you done your summer reading yet?” We got this.
Jane Austen Film & Literature {July 12 – 16}
Compare and contrast film adaptations with the books: Emma, Mansfield Park, and Pride and Prejudice are all on the list. Not only will your teen get their summer reading done in this class, it will be from a list of must-reads that everyone must accomplish in order to be fully knowledgeable in the ways of love and methods of 19th century courtship. As an added bonus students will definitively learn the best film adaptation of Pride and Prejudice (spoiler alert: It’s the one with Colin Firth).
Inklings: Narnia {July 21 – 25}
Get your summer reading done by joining the Inklings club, the informal literary society founded by J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis. Discover the wonder of Narnia, a secret world under the curse of the evil White Witch where animal inhabitants eagerly await the coming of Aslan their savior and their king. The Chronicles of Narnia series is a right of passage for all students, right alongside Harry Potter, which brings us to . . .
Harry Potter Week {May 24 – 28}
Run like you have to get to the library to sign up for this fun, high-energy class. In addition to reading and discussing the literature and films, we will have house competitions such as Snatch the Snitch Scavenger Hunt, Trelawney’s Trivia, Dumbledore’s Brain Games, Riddle’s Relays, Scabber’s Scrabble and more! This class is fun and all-encompassing with literature, science, and debate.
Book & Film: Jurassic Park {June 28 – July 2}
Students hone critical thinking skills when comparing literature and film, which is the main objective for our book and film series. In this class we use multimedia to ignite curiosity in the written word. Jurassic Park is a challenging read, but comparing to the film and all the differences within makes it all the more rewarding. Scary dinosaurs and intricate plot weaving? Yes, thank you.
Shakespeare Stage & Film{July 5 – 9}
Nothing is more enlightening than possessing the knowledge and intellect to navigate the comedies and tragedies of Shakespeare, the world’s mastermind of the human psyche. While his dialogue is iambic pentameter Elizabethan, his characters are completely 21st century relatable, gender-bending and all. Also known as “All of Shakespeare in 10 hours” this class will cover all the basics of Shakespeare on the page and on the screen. Let all the hilarity and tears ensue!
Many of these classes are free for our members. Yes, for just $250 a month your student can attend six of our (self) highly-acclaimed literary clubs. We probably haven’t thought this deal all the way through yet, so sign up while you still can online.
Summer reading assignments should never cause stress or confusion for Baton Rouge moms or students. Call Studyville at (225) 408-4553 or check them out at Studyville to see how this Baton Rouge student work space can help customize your child’s work for summer reading whether for pleasure, or for academic merit, this summer.
Amanda Vincent, Owner of Studyville
Frustrated by fighting the homework fight every night, Amanda and her husband Benn