The Best Holiday Cookies For Busy Families
We love cookies. My family has been eating shortbread holiday cookies for as long as I can remember. Cookies are an important part of celebrating the holidays.
These are a list of the best cookies for busy families.
(I’m saying busy families because it sounds better than saying “cooking from scratch takes too long and I’ll forget what I’m making.”)
Sugar Cookies!!!
We buy the bag of Pillsbury cookie mix from the bakery aisle. (I know, I know… but if you don’t tell anyone, it’s like the tree that falls alone in the forest or me alone with a bunch of cookies, plausible deniability.) After we add the eggs and milk, we take turns with the mixer. Sometimes we add a surprise, sometimes the surprise is also a surprise to me. Marshmallows, candies, chocolate chips, and nuts are all delicious additions. Also, food colorings are so much fun. (Jacob mixes food colorings daily in his experiments.)
Peanut Butter Cookies!!!
These are also from a bag of cookie mix or (whispering) the premade cookies. They are so good. I hate peanuts but peanut butter cookies are so good.
Homemade Oreo-like cookies!!!
These are hard because Oreos are vegan. So we use chocolate cookie mix with our favorite icing as a filler. Usually buttercream (not vegan).
After you get your batter together, you have to make the critical decision of whether or not you want to cut your cookies into shapes. If you are a patient person, shapes are great. Flatten the batter, cover the batter, and put the batter in the refrigerator. After 12 hours or so, take it out and cut shapes. When the cookies are finished, you’ll have some fun holiday shapes. If life happens, you’ll have some fun hilarious shapes.
After your cookies are finished, it’s time to decide if the cookies need anything extra. We like frosting and sprinkles. Sometimes my kids add unexpected things.
The memories are amazing!
Happy Holidays!!