Just as you are now, I’ve read hundreds of blogs on being a mom. I admit that many of them are geared towards the single mom and often times it leaves me wondering if I’m doing something wrong as a “married mom.” Now this is not to slight single moms at all, because I truly tip my hat to your ability to balance it all without the help of a mate. However, often times that balancing act becomes overwhelming to me as well. The mounds of laundry, endless activities, hours of homework, play dates, etc. And then being a wife. If I am being totally honest, there are days that I want to crawl UNDER my bed and hide because I’m pretty sure I’ve gotten it all wrong. But in those moments I realize one thing, the only thing that truly matters, I am the best mom I know how to be.
I allow my kids to utilize technology, and it never fails … a mom will tell me how her kids read 1,000 books a week because she doesn’t allow electronics in her home. Well, THEN my child’s school sends home an online assignment. So do I teach them to use technology so they can function in school/society? Or do I take them away completely. Not to mention, why can’t my kids enjoy both books and technology? Listen, Martha, I’m being the best mom I know how to be.
I try to keep my kids active and nurture their social skills through play dates and interaction with their peers. Here comes the “I don’t do playdates and the park.” Well, ok Tess, we will see you when we return, I’m being the best mom I know how to be. Because in a few years, my children will have their first jobs and guess what, their ability to interact and socialize with others will become essential to their professional success.
And yes, I do get tired of doing laundry, hearing “Mom!” over and over, running between school, activities, etc. But darn it, I’m being the best mom I know how to be and I’m pretty flipping proud of myself if I may add.
I’m not competing with you, Nicole. I’m literally just trying to be the best mom I know how to be. And occasionally that looks like “Hot Mess Unorganized Mom.” It looks like a messy house and happy kids. It looks like bags under my eyes and one too many cups of coffee or margaritas. It may even look like crying in my minivan before carpool because the day just doesn’t have enough hours to be the best mom I know how to be, the best wife I know how to be, and the best ME I know how to be.
So, Pam, the next time you feel the need to judge me or let me know how much harder it is for you than me … know that I’m not even trying to compete.