My husband hurriedly snapped the obligatory pictures of me in the wheelchair holding our newborn as we were wheeled out of the hospital. It was freezing, and we were eager to get into the warm van.

The van – a vehicle I never expected I’d need, much less want – that was now full of car seats of varying stages. The seats of our big boys in the back, our toddler and newborn girls in the middle, and Mommy and Daddy in the front. Our hearts and van were full, and honestly, the logistics of transportation are one of the primary reasons that we have to be done. Because if left to our feelings, my husband and I would never be done having kids.
Motherhood is an experience that I was always ambivalent about. I never babysat when I was a teenager or had aspirations of having “x” number of children. Until one day I did. My husband and I had discussed children before getting married and both agreed that we wanted “a lot.”
I vividly remember bringing home our first child and sharing those precious early moments as a family. One night I tentatively asked my husband if he’d changed his mind about wanting “a lot” of kids now that we had actually brought home a newborn. Not only did he say no – he said it made him want more. I knew just what he meant.
That was almost nine years ago. In that time, we’ve had three more. With each new addition, we’ve faced the same question: “Are you done?” Confidently, we said no. We would fill up our home with four. During my fourth pregnancy, I felt a tinge of panic: unlike what everyone promised, I didn’t “feel” done. I didn’t “just know” that this was my last pregnancy. Nothing assured me that this was it.
The truth is that my husband and I are done because we have to be. But the entire decision is logistical, not emotional. We both feel as though if left to emotion, if we waited until we both “just knew,” we would never stop. If we won the lottery, we would buy the bigger house and mini bus so that we could have more children.
And it’s not just that we’re done having children. It’s that I’ll be done with such a significant chapter of my life. My pregnancy season is over. My child-bearing years are behind me. Sure, each season has its excitement, but it’s still difficult to say goodbye to one that brought me such unexpected joy.
Ultimately we chose to leave early to get back home to our children. But we both cried as we drove away, knowing that we were taking home a newborn from the hospital for the very last time. Maybe I’ll change my mind when we’re done with diapers or when I can have my body to myself again. But those things really never bothered me–not enough to call it quits. I doubt they ever will. So to answer the question: yes, we’re done but only because we have to draw a line somewhere. We’re done because at some point we have to be.
You are still young, you could have another! You have another seat in the van. I am the mom of an only child, but the heart wants what it wants.
If only finances weren’t a factor, yes!
This article is me 100%!! Thanks for writing! ❤️❤️