  Being adopted as an infant, I never knew anything else. My childhood was as good as it gets, and I was loved and cared for from the moment I came home. Everyone I knew was aware that I was adopted, but as I got older, new people would make comments, and acquaintances would ask questions. I've had several hilarious conversations, and also some awkward ones, because people simply don't know what to say or how to approach the conversation if they have questions. Here's a sample of what I hear, and some help in navigating a conversation with a family choosing adoption or foster care. 1. Do your parents have any "real" children?  (or actual, legitimate, normal...) If they're real, does...
Firearms are always a controversial topic, but today I am giving you this mama’s viewpoint on guns. I grew up with the men in my family as avid hunters. Wait…that’s not true. ALL of the family was involved in hunting game. I ventured out on my first squirrel hunt when I was about 8 or 9 years old, and my first deer hunt was not long after. I was not allowed to hold a gun at that age, but I knew a lot about them. My dad drove a truck with gun racks on the back window, there was a “gun safe” in our house and my mom kept a handgun under the seat of her car. We were well...
A Word of Encouragement From the Other Side My husband and I were married for seven years before we decided to have a child. He knew he always wanted a child (or children). I wasn’t so sure. The fact that we weren’t in the same place with the idea didn’t really matter because both of us were busy working and enjoying our jobs and each other. We were enough. We were totally happy. As I got older, we discussed it a bit more often because BIOLOGY. At 30, I wasn’t ready. Nope. Not 31. Or 32. I had Ellen when I was halfway to 34. My least favorite thing about having a child in the beginning? Everything. Every. Single. Thing. Let’s take it back even...
There are moments that are our everyday. They become so ordinary to us, such a part of our lives that we don’t even think about it. It’s those little moments of cuddles, getting ready for the day, and family dinners that seem like they don’t need to be documented because they are your normal. Those simple moments that you wish you could get a picture of, because you realize that those little moments don’t last forever. -TahJah Harmony, photographer When I found out my family and I had been selected for the photo shoot, I panicked. “I need to hire someone to clean my house. Get cute new clothes for the girls. Not too cute, it can’t look staged. What...

Dear Mom, THANKS!!

Dear Mom, I know I've probably told you thousands of times, but thanks.  Since becoming a mother myself I realize how much this short little word means, and I know it can never be said enough.  You see, as a child I knew that I had a great mom, but I had no idea what being a great mom involved.  I'll admit that at times, I took for granted perfectly made beds, warm, delicious suppers, new shoes, and the constant driving around you did to get me to whatever sport or activity I was into at that moment.  If you were exhausted, I never knew it.  You always seemed to have boundless energy to care for your children and our...

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Shop and Save :: Second Hand September (or Any Month!)

Shop and Save :: Second Hand September (or Any Month!) If you're like me, your focus is all over the place you're in charge of...