Disclosure: This event was sponsored by Grimaldi’s Coal Brick-Oven Pizzeria Delicious, authentic and superb service: that is what we look for in a great dining experience! A few weeks ago, our team braved the soggy weather to head to the new Grimaldi’s Pizzeria located at the Mall of Louisiana. We were so glad we did! Upon arriving, we were happily greeted by the staff and taken into the private room where we had a nice long table to accommodate our growing team of moms. Our server quickly took drink orders as the chairs started to fill up. We began with a mixture of fresh salads including the Caprese Salad, Caesar Salad and Grimaldi’s House Salad. Let’s just say those didn’t last very...
This Mother's Day, be brave and show yourself. Make it about you. You know…the Mother. Do not hide behind your children, do not step out of the limelight. Instead, gather them close, hold them tightly and smile big and boldly for the camera. This day's images, this day's recorded memories, should not be just of your children. Yes, they are indeed what make you a mother and you wouldn't be a mother without them. But every other day of the year is about them. About feeding them, teaching them, cheering for them, loving them fiercely. As a photographer I get Mother's Day session requests...for children. Nine times out of ten the mom will refuse to be in the session. When I gently nudge...
Mother's Day. Such a well deserved day but usually forgotten by the ones who deserve it most.  I can say that I am absolutely guilty of pulling the "Oh, I don't want anything" card when it comes to Mother's Day.  I seem to always find something better money can be spent on, and time with my boys is all that really matters.  But what I'm also guilty of is down right spoiling all the mommas in my life. I absolutely love it!  In my opinion, if most moms are like me and don't see the need for any special treatment, it truly means that much more to be surprised with a little unexpected happy. In our family, we have a lot...
Disclosure: This post is sponsored by VarageSale. All thoughts and opinions are my own. It's that time of year when spring cleaning posts have made their way around social media and where you've felt the guilt for not washing your mini-blinds and for having "too much stuff." All you really want to do is hang out by the kiddie pool on a brand new patio set and soak up the sprummer sun. Now, we all know we'd feel more relaxed if the house wasn't so messy and if we could get control of "all the things." So, I'm here to help. I've got three ways to declutter your home. They are fast and easy and may even make you some...
This feels like it was a lifetime ago and not even real life, but as I recount the past memories, it was indeed very real. Only my family and closest friends have heard these details, so please bear with me. I was young, having fun and at the tail end of finishing a successful high school career where I was surrounded by girlfriends I adored, and there was a bright future awaiting me. As with a lot of teenagers, dating was a part of the high school scene. I didn’t have much experience of course, but I was smitten with this one boy who was a little older me. When we started dating, it seemed like a harmless adventure that...

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Shop and Save :: Second Hand September (or Any Month!)

Shop and Save :: Second Hand September (or Any Month!) If you're like me, your focus is all over the place you're in charge of...