My husband and I were getting our toddler dressed the other day. We were headed to an event where all of her little friends from daycare would be. I used to work at the daycare, so I love and care for these kids, almost as my own. As I was turning our little one's bedhead into pretty ringlets, her dad said, "Wow! You are going to be the prettiest little girl there!" Out of nowhere, my heart sank. He's said things like that a million times before, as have I, but this time, going to see all of the little girls that I poured into every day, his comment struck me the wrong way. Why was it that she...
I was picked up for gymnastics carpool and I jumped in the passenger’s side back seat to sit next to my friend. We were both wearing our leotards for class. I looked down at my bare legs on the seat and saw that my thighs spread – more than my friend’s. Horrified, I immediately put my toes to the floorboard and pushed enough to lift most of my legs off of the seat beneath me. I was in fifth grade, probably only 55 lbs and an athlete by any standard for my age (10). I don’t remember when I adopted such a distorted view about myself. It’s just always been there. I come by it honestly enough, really. My mother...
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post brought to you by VarageSale.  Do you own more pairs of shoes than you can count? Tired of tripping over toys in your basement? Wondering how you can get rid of all those unused kitchen appliances? Then you’re in luck! The best buy and sell experience out there is coming to a neighborhood near you. Created by a mom in 2012, VarageSale is the fun way to sell your stuff and earn extra cash. It’s also safe. View a buyer’s profile before you meet so you know you’re dealing with a real person. The best part? It’s free and oh-so easy to use! Visit the website or download the free app Search for a community near...
Do not ask your children to strive for extraordinary lives. Such striving may seem admirable, but it is a way of foolishness. Help them instead to find the wonder and the marvel of an ordinary life. Show them the joy of tasting tomatoes, apples and pears. Show them how to cry when pets and people die. Show them the infinite pleasure in the touch of a hand. And make the ordinary come alive for them. The extraordinary will take care of itself. -William Martin - The time and place we are so fortunate to live in are truly extraordinary! Technological advancements alone would make the 19th century human cry witchcraft. The opulence of our lifestyle, even a middle class lifestyle, far surpasses that of the majority of the world. Our children stand to inherit...
As a mom, it can be exhausting to come home after work or a full day of activities, only to look in the refrigerator and see this… I mean, that’s sad right?! Confession, this is what my refrigerator looks like on Sunday night. Notice the bottle of Pinot trying to make an appearance. While you wouldn't realize it from this picture, over the past few years I’ve been meal planning. I know the idea of meal planning can seem overwhelming at first, but I promise it will save you time, money, and sanity in the long run. Here’s how I do it: 1. Pregame. Survey the refrigerator, and throw out all the old left overs and expired food. Whew, that felt good!...

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Shop and Save :: Second Hand September (or Any Month!)

Shop and Save :: Second Hand September (or Any Month!) If you're like me, your focus is all over the place you're in charge of...