Knots are in my stomach as I sit at my mother’s kitchen table frantically texting my programmer, checking my website, and watching the clock. We’re supposed to go to dinner in 15 minutes. My business is supposed to launch in 10 minutes. They have no idea how nervous I am. This is me. Chasing my dream and scared to death. I’m taking a leap of faith that this is the path I’m supposed to go down. There are so many things I don’t know. Am I going to fail? How will I deal with the financial impact if it doesn’t work? How will I deal with the embarrassment of a failed business venture? What will I tell people? I’m...
Every mom knows that mornings + kids = organized (sometimes) chaos. Today, several of our contributors give you a peek into their morning routines. Kristen: I am not good at mornings. At the getting out of bed part that is. I usually have to be forced by either my husband or my son. And while our mornings are never really the same, we have found something of a routine. Our alarm goes off at 5, but we snooze until 5:30—unless our other alarm has gone off and is crying (which is usually between 5 and 6 am).  I get out of bed, put on my robe, and head to Sam’s room.  My husband gets up, feeds the dog and cats, and takes a shower....
It was always my plan to be a working mom.  Then Etta Mae was born.  And all of my plans changed in a 10 lb 3 oz instant.  Going back to work ceased to be an option for me. I NEEDED to stay home with this baby. And, by the grace of God, I have been given several opportunities to do just that. Here I sit, 26 months later. Unfortunately, "loving every minute" is not quite the language I would use to describe my days. Patience has never been my strong suit, and we all know that a 2 year old will test even the most forbearing among us. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't trade staying home with my daughter for...
I know what you're thinking... This is going to be another one of those mommy guilt posts.  A mom laying it all out there on how hard it is to not let the guilt set in.  How she rises above the influence of all the super moms out there and lives for herself and her children. BUT, it's not.  While I can tell you how incredibly important it is do just that, this post is about a different type of mommy guilt: the guilt that hovers over those of us with more than one child. I LIVE with a guilty conscience. It's a weight.  A weight on my shoulders and a constant feeling that if I'd done something differently, maybe...
October 23, 2014 will be the official one-year birthday of Red Stick Moms Blog.  ONE YEAR! As I reflect on the last twelve months, I realized that I've learned a lot about what it looks like to be a mom, own a blog, and  balance the two. I've also learned so much about this community here at RSMB and the impact we now have in the Baton Rouge area. First and foremost, YOU are the reason behind all of this.  All of the time, work, passion, and vision has been because of the dream to bring Red Stick Moms Blog to the moms of Baton Rouge. Over a year ago, I was introduced to the City Moms Blog Network and...

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Shop and Save :: Second Hand September (or Any Month!)

Shop and Save :: Second Hand September (or Any Month!) If you're like me, your focus is all over the place you're in charge of...