
How Much TV is Too Much?

Ah, the TV questions. They’ve been floating around since I was a kid, and probably before that. How much television do your kids watch? What do they watch? Do they have TV’s in their rooms? As much as every mom would like to say that their kids spend all day doing puzzles, reading books and playing outside, most children spend at least some time in front of the TV. Opinions vary among experts and parents alike about how much is appropriate, but most seem to agree that kids today watch too much. We have a childhood obesity problem in this country that is often attributed to the sedentary lifestyle Americans have become accustomed to, and children are more difficult to...
Staying active has been beneficial for both me and my baby.  I am remaining healthy and fit.  Exercise has eased my back pain, boosted my energy, improved my mood, and helped with my sleep. I also feel less nauseous, especially in the first trimester.  And, of course, the more you exercise during pregnancy the more your body stays strong and toned. Here are some of the great benefits: Makes you feel better Improve your sleep It can reduce constipation and swelling Get your body back faster from childbirth Prepares your body for childbirth Less weight gain Minimize aches and pain Muscle tone, endurance and strength Staying active is an overall mood booster and body changer. Working out de-stresses the mind.  Exercise causes your brain to release endorphins-- those positive feelings that improves your mood and fight pregnancy...
I have a pretty physically intensive job. There are days where I don't stop from the moment I get there to the minute I leave. Between cleaning the gym, picking up behind big lugs who leave their weights laying around, & climbing on equipment to fix it, I can usually count a day's work as an extra work out. I should add that I'm also fiercely independent (read: headstrong and stubborn), and like to do things myself, thankyouverymuch. But when lower back and sciatic pain kicked in insanely early on in my pregnancy (like 12 weeks pregnant early) many of the normal things I did during my day became nearly impossible. And I was pissed. I was completely unprepared for...
Dear Teachers- Thank you for choosing this life path. This career is underappreciated in many ways. Please know that I appreciate, respect and admire your dedication to the future of our world. I hope to say at the end of this year that we were so lucky to have you as a teacher. As you work and nurture my child this year, I hope that you are not stressed by the standards that are expected of you. I hope that you do not stress over the day to day workings of your classroom. I hope that you are supported by your principal and other teachers so that you are comfortable and confident while standing at the front of the class. That...
My last two posts have given you lots of info about how to coupon.  But it’s all just theory unless you can put it into practice. So, here is a closer look into what it really means to roll your rewards at a drugstore. Each Saturday, I check out my favorite couponing sites to see the matchups for the week.  The site will have an overview of the deals at each store as well as info on where to find coupons that can be stacked with each item. I write out a detailed list of which deals I plan to purchase and the corresponding coupons so that I know exactly which items to look for and what my total will...

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