You're a busy mom with kids, and you've read it all: use the crockpot, eat frozen pizza, cook in bulk. But, today, I'm sharing some tips and tricks that you may have never thought of that will save you HOURS of kitchen work and get you cooking healthy, at-home meals! Whether you stay home, work, have one child or five, you will LOVE these unique, time-saving ideas that will get healthy meals on the table and keep you sane in the process! 1. Get dinner ready at breakfast (or lunch) This tip is a game-changer once you get into the habit of it! The trick is to prep dinner while your children are eating breakfast and are semi-entertained.  For some of...
Today, we are so happy to have Sasha from The Mushy Mommy here. This south-Louisiana blogger and stay-at-home-mom is giving us an intro to eco-friendly living with baby. We hope you enjoy her guest post, and after reading be sure to head on over to her fab blog and take a look around! Now, here's Sasha! So I’m here to tell you all about how you should become a tree-hugging hippy. Actually no, I’m just here to explain some of the cool things that you can do to help this planet out all while making a healthier and safer home for your baby. Bingo. “Healthier and safer home for your baby” is the part that will hopefully keep you reading past...
I anticipated that Jack would be a late walker. I don't know what it was, but from the time he was a tiny newborn I was determined not to rush his gross motor development. He took what seemed like forever to roll over, but I was unfazed. I didn't worry a bit when he waited until 8 months to sit unassisted. And as the months continued to pass, I breezily reassured relatives that "some babies never crawl, they just skip straight to walking." He eventually did start crawling and, later, pulling up and cruising, but at 18 months that's still all he does. Sometime around 15 months my confidence started to waver. I found myself avoiding the park and any other situation where strangers...

Couch Adventures

These cold and rainy days are seemingly endless. If your little one is like mine, then you have untamable energy resulting in broken Christmas presents and an aggravated mommy. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a lazy-to-the-core person who calls a cold or rainy day paired with a hot bowl of soupy goodness and a good book a win. However, this is not what my two year old deems fun or entertaining.  In an effort to either kick your lazy butts off the couch or get your rambunctious littles on it, here are six couch adventures that will have the whole family laughing, playing, and making memories on those cooped up winter days. 1. Couch Fort – Build a fort out...
I think most moms can relate to the pain that comes with buying box after box of diapers.  Not only do you go through an insane amount of diapers each month, but after a while, you are left with piles and piles of empty boxes. I don't know about you, but it honestly pains me to throw away good-sized boxes.  First I used them to organize all of Judah's clothes as he outgrew them.  Then I saved some to wrap presents during the holidays.  And then I put a couple in my car to organize Judah's toys and overflow. But even after that, we still had more! So in an attempt to make use out of the many boxes we're left...

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Around Baton Rouge

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer It's that time of year we have been working towards all year long. Preparing three to...