Scholastic preparation for college begins at least by a teenager’s junior year in high school. It is pretty intense, to say the least. On top of junior year in and of itself being a very difficult year academically … add on the college prep and we have ourselves a pretty stressed out teenager. There are many necessities when it comes to getting your junior ready for college. Some of these include SAT/ACT prep and test-taking, choosing a (few) college(s), college visits, college applications, and financial aid applications. A well-informed, thoroughly detailed high school counselor is your greatest weapon during this time … seek them out! But this is just the beginning! Once the details of actually choosing and getting into...
I took a snapshot of my kids this morning. I intend to keep it close by, so it can serve as a benchmark. We have reached a turning point in our family. We have finally arrived at the point in life that most parents of small kids look to with anticipation for what feels like forever. Diapers have all been thrown away. Bottoms are being independently wiped. Mouths are being fed by utensils independently held the correct way (Well, mostly). As parents, we spend so many years training our children up to get to this point. Every time my kid runs her own bathwater, ties his own shoes, or fixes his own bowl of cereal, I almost want to run around the house with...
Disclosure :: This post is sponsored by EBR Schools.  How to Graduate High School with More Degrees :: EBR CTEC Programs Let Students Earn College Credits & Advanced Credentials For Free It’s never too early to start thinking about your child’s future, and with EBR Schools, continuing education doesn’t have to be a hassle. The EBR Career & Technical Education Center (CTEC) and its Early College Academy program prepares incoming and current high school students for a competitive workforce all while earning credit toward a college degree. But just how easy is it to graduate with two degrees in high school? Here’s everything you need to know about EBR’s CTEC: The Early College Academy At CTEC, high school students will be enrolled in this...
At the start of this school year, we kept all three of our children home and did virtual. It was based on my husband’s and my apprehensiveness about COVID risks in schools. Our kids are all at different levels of school. We have a child in high school, one in middle school, and our youngest in elementary. The school system didn’t seem to have it worked out for any of them or exactly what the protocols would be, so we just felt safer home. We soon realized that our babies just weren’t thriving at home, and each of them for a different reason. Our oldest began to show signs of depression from the isolation. He wouldn’t come out of his room...
My best friend Katelyn and I have been discussing Twilight for a couple months now. Twilight was THE teenage romance series, while we were in middle school and high school. It is also a perfect example of emotional abuse, which, by the way, sets a great stage for physical abuse. Wind Goodfriend Ph.D. does a great job of naming a few of the thousands of examples of abuse Edward displays: He stalks Bella He encourages Bella to have as little interaction as possible from anyone outside his family He preys on her low self esteem He damages her vehicle so she can’t get away Before you go on assuming he was doing this to protect Bella, I just want to point...

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Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer It's that time of year we have been working towards all year long. Preparing three to...