  Personal disclaimer: I am in no way giving medical advice on formula intolerances, reflux or milk and soy protein allergies … just a mamma that has struggled through formula intolerances three separate times here to let you know there is an end in sight! Also, I'm an over-sharer of info because it's all I wanted/needed in this journey of mine so bear with me ... there is some really valuable information here.  Formula intolerances. They were once going to be the death of me. Have you ever witnessed a perfectly happy, calm, steady sleeping newborn go straight to crying all day, restless, and agitated overnight? It’s an incredibly sad thing to experience. And for a brand new mom, it can be such a trying...
My husband and I had finally settled down for the 30 minutes we spend alone together each night on the couch before passing out from utter exhaustion. The clock said 9:15pm and I was just about ready to "relax" (whatever that means these days) when we heard it. "It" being the high pitched shrieking. From across the house. We both sunk further into the couch. My husband, who works incredibly hard for our family and is typically at work 12+ hours a day, jumped up. He's been better about that lately, truth be told. I wonder if he senses our babies slipping away, too. He tried but there was just no settling her. She screamed and screamed. And howled. Screamed some more. He...
To the Daddy who forgot his baby in his car ... I'm not here to judge you. I'm not here to bring you down any further than you already are at this point. As a mom, I know how easily it is to forget things. I am a mother, I was born with a maternal instinct and I too know that mistakes can be made. I have found myself too often with a car full of kids, an infant too quiet to be noticed and thought for a split second that I may have left him at home. Just to realize he is in his car seat sleeping so peacefully that I too didn't even realize it. I am also a wife. A...
Well, it’s more like 7:30-4 and not all of me looks like Dolly Parton, but I am a working mom of an infant. My second baby, Declan, is nine months old and I am still nursing him. So ladies we all know what that means: pumping at work. I previously nursed my daughter, Salem, until she was nine months, and pumped at work for seven of them after returning from an all too short maternity leave. So far, I have learned it is definitely a “do whatever works best for you” and “learn as you go” type of thing. Once I was about two weeks in, I formed a pretty good routine. Since this is my second child, you...
We were so honored and thrilled to have the opportunity to gather approximately 80 Baton Rouge area moms last week in honor of motherhood. In partnership with Dr. Smith's, Baton Rouge General Medical Center and Zoes Kitchen we welcomed dozens of mothers and moms-to-be to Bloom, an event designed specifically for new and expectant moms in Baton Rouge. The Venue :: Baton Rouge General Baton Rouge General welcomed all of us with open arms. We loved being able to share their newly renovated birthing center with our guests, and all attendees left the event armed with some fun goodies thanks to our hosting venue as well. The best part? One Baton Rouge mom left with a crib that she won courtesy BRG!...

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Following The Pink and Gold Sparkly Road : How Joining a...

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