My youngest child turned three a few weeks ago, and with that people have started to ask, “Oh is she potty trained yet?” Once I say that she is not potty trained, people feel the need to tell her that she is too old to be in diapers, and then ask her, “Aren’t you ready to use the real potty and wear big girl underwear?”. THAT IS A NEGATIVE. No, she is not. If you are like me and have a toddler running around, you know that potty training can be an intimidating and dreaded task. I am aware that there are parents out there who rave about how easy it was to get their kid out of diapers, and I...
I cried after I dropped my son off at daycare this morning. It isn’t his first day. It’s his fifth day. He cried, so I cried. Mom guilt hit me full force. I sat in the parking lot for a while after bringing him inside, reminding myself how important this new journey is for both of us. I’m finally able to work consistently and help my husband with the financial responsibilities of our family. As for Junior, he is getting much needed therapies and social interaction with his peers. This is good, but it doesn’t make it easy. I know it is, but it doesn’t change the fact that my chest is still tight hours later, and I can’t get...

I Need a Tough Boy

I have two little guys. There are currently 5 and 2 years old. Their baby sister is 6 months old.   Ever since our first son was born, there has been an emphasis that he NEEDS to be tough. Not necessarily from me or even my husband, but from other people’s perspectives. We’ve been told all sorts of (unnecessary) things to support that society NEEDS our little guys to be tough right now- at 2 and 5 years old.   My typical thought process is that they (the boys and the girl) have their whole lives to learn to be tough; right now they can just be my little buddies and they don’t need to be tough because Mama Bear is ferocious and strong...
I refer to myself as an 80's mom. My kids are young – 4 years and 19 months. I’m not sending them out into the neighborhood and not letting them back in until sunset, but I am attempting to instill some age-appropriate independence in them and teach them that low-key fun can be had every day. I am the default parent as my husband is working A LOT, and because of COVID, they can’t spend weekends away with extended family, having camp-outs and sleepovers with cousins. I have to find something for them to do. I’m not into extravagant activities, we don’t have the time for the day and weekend trips to lakes and beaches, and I don’t want them...
To my precious baby girl on your first birthday: How is it possible that a year has passed since you entered this world? It feels like yesterday that the doctor put you on my chest, and your daddy shocked us all by saying, “It’s a girl!” This year has passed in the blink of an eye, which makes me incredibly sad. However, I am so excited to see your sweet and sassy personality start to shine and look forward to watching you grow more than you will ever know. A few weeks back I started to plan your first birthday party. As I sat down to fill out the “All About Me” poster, it hit me that so much of this...

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Around Baton Rouge

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer It's that time of year we have been working towards all year long. Preparing three to...