I had a beautiful baby.  So, why was I crying every day? Why did I feel like I wasn’t worthy of being a mother? Why was my house such a mess? Why was I such a mess? Everyone says that you never know how much you can love someone until you have a child.  I didn’t feel that instant connection which made me feel even more guilty and lacking as a mother.  To make matters worse, I felt like I couldn’t tell anyone.  What would people think of me if I admitted that I didn’t feel head over heals for my child? As many as 30% of women experience some sort of postpartum mood disorder. According to Postpartum Support International,...
At the age of six, Pamela and her sister spent cold nights sleeping in the back of a U-Haul with no blankets. They didn’t know when they would eat. One night, Pamela’s mother awoke the girls suddenly and yelled at them to hide under a car in the parking lot. When a police officer pulled Pamela from her hiding place, she watched as her parents were arrested. She remembers watching as the police car left and her mother “faded away.” This is how Pamela became a foster child. Fortunately, a CASA volunteer was assigned to be a voice for Pamela. “When you’re a child, no one listens to you, especially in the foster care system.” Pamela describes her CASA volunteer...
The word ‘doula’ is Greek for “woman servant or caregiver."  These days, the term doula refers to a woman who provides support for mothers during pregnancy and childbirth.  My favorite definition for doula is that of the protector of the birth space.  Simply put, doulas love birth and trust that it is a normal, natural and instinctive process that should be honored and respected. Doulas are hired by expecting parents to help create a positive birth experience and make sure their wishes are honored.  Studies have shown that having a doula present can reduce the length of your labor and reduce the need for medical interventions. What kind of training does a doula have? There are several organizations that provide training...

Why Can’t Kids Talk?

This is not a post about developmental milestones and language development. That will come in due time. Don't you worry. This is about (use your best granny voice) "Why can't kids these days have a conversation?" Conversation and communication are becoming obsolete. It all starts around ages 10-12. There are many reasons as to why this is the case and for many years these reasons have proven true (i.e. puberty, preteen rebellion, etc), but over the last 5 years something else entirely has changed the way kids communicate. The culprit is the PHONE. I'm sure Alexander Graham Bell never expected the telephone, of all things, to decrease and potentially eliminate communication. Texting has taken over this world. I love texting as much as the...
Today, we are so happy to have Sasha from The Mushy Mommy here. This south-Louisiana blogger and stay-at-home-mom is giving us an intro to eco-friendly living with baby. We hope you enjoy her guest post, and after reading be sure to head on over to her fab blog and take a look around! Now, here's Sasha! So I’m here to tell you all about how you should become a tree-hugging hippy. Actually no, I’m just here to explain some of the cool things that you can do to help this planet out all while making a healthier and safer home for your baby. Bingo. “Healthier and safer home for your baby” is the part that will hopefully keep you reading past...

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Around Baton Rouge

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer It's that time of year we have been working towards all year long. Preparing three to...