Family Life In Baton Rouge

family life in Baton Rouge

In an ideal world, parenting through all ages and stages would be simple. There would be a how-to on every scenario for family life in Baton Rouge and a detailed handbook to read. However, at Red Stick Mom we know that is simply not reality; every child and family is extremely different and has varying needs. The good news is that Red Stick Mom is here to help Baton Rouge moms and dads navigate family life in Baton Rouge. We have writers with diverse backgrounds, family structures and perspectives. Our team of over 25 contributing writers offer advice and thoughts on what it’s like to raise kids in Baton Rouge no matter what age and stage they are in.

Over the years we have learned that what parents need most to navigate family life in Baton Rouge is support. Parents need to know that they are not alone and that there are resources for every Baton Rouge family no matter their scenario. Whether your family is looking for childcare in Baton Rouge (please see our Guide to Childcare and Preschools), to connect with other homeschooling families in Baton Rouge or on a quest to find the best snowball in Baton Rouge, Red Stick Mom has you covered. 

Whatever you need to navigate with regards to family life in Baton Rouge, we are here to help your family. If you’re looking for the best outdoor dining in Baton Rouge with kids, we’ve got that! Swim lessons in Baton Rouge? We know about those, too. Let us help you navigate those ages and stages in Baton Rouge with ease. 

I've never been a fan of the idea that "everyone gets a trophy." In the areas of sports, I find that there are many valuable lessons to learn from losing and winning: determination, perseverance, work ethic, sportsmanship. Competition can be healthy and can reveal a lot to us about ourselves and others. But when it comes to raising siblings with strong relationships, my husband and I stray a bit from these ideals. In our house, when one child wins, they all do. This wasn't necessarily how we began our parenting decisions. If I'm going to be honest, my husband and I probably just took advantage of an opportunity for us to get a sweet treat. That, and the fact that it's...
There's something about this time of year that always makes me proud to be a Southern Louisiana native. Between Mardi Gras, perfectly crisp weather and crawfish season, it just doesn’t get any better. This year, in particular, it’s reminding me why my husband and I chose to come back to Louisiana to raise a family. I spent most of my teen years telling everyone that I was hitting the road after high school graduation. I knew there was more to this world than my Catholic school bubble, and I wanted to experience it all. But situations have a way of changing your plans, and going to LSU for college seemed to be the best next step for me. I...
"Hey! Weren't you here yesterday?" I heard this today from the front desk clerk while checking in at our pediatrician's office.  Yes, yes, I was. With the other kid, but still. It feels like we live here. Thanks for asking. My kids are four and two. It feels like they are sick ALL. THE. TIME. I'm aware that germs spread through daycare pretty quickly because kids are just kinda gross - hands in my mouth, now in your mouth! Yay!! But good grief. The ten sick days that I was allotted at the beginning of the school year? Gone by Christmas break. God forbid that I get sick ... because my sick butt will be dragging itself to work and trying not...
Foster care is something that has always held a special place in my heart. There are a ton of different reasons children can need temporary or long term foster care.  My husband and I have talked for a long time about opening our home to foster. Currently, we have chosen to put that on the back burner for now.  We still felt the need to serve the foster children in our area. For me, these children are OUR children and they are a part of our community. It is our job to help anyway we can.  I understand that everyone can’t be a foster parent today, but there are ways you can help serve. Here are a few: Find a local foster...
The day started like any other busy weekday morning. My husband and I did our usual dance around the corner of the kitchen while we made breakfast for our crew. Once everyone had their food, Matt headed to the back to get ready for work, while the girls and I spent 30 minutes coming to terms with the fact that we had to be awake. (Not a morning person in the bunch!) Every morning, at least one of my three girls tries to convince me that she can’t go to school. This particular morning, it was my 6 year-old. She had a bit of cough, but who doesn’t this time of year? As I watched her sit on the...

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