Family Life In Baton Rouge

family life in Baton Rouge

In an ideal world, parenting through all ages and stages would be simple. There would be a how-to on every scenario for family life in Baton Rouge and a detailed handbook to read. However, at Red Stick Mom we know that is simply not reality; every child and family is extremely different and has varying needs. The good news is that Red Stick Mom is here to help Baton Rouge moms and dads navigate family life in Baton Rouge. We have writers with diverse backgrounds, family structures and perspectives. Our team of over 25 contributing writers offer advice and thoughts on what it’s like to raise kids in Baton Rouge no matter what age and stage they are in.

Over the years we have learned that what parents need most to navigate family life in Baton Rouge is support. Parents need to know that they are not alone and that there are resources for every Baton Rouge family no matter their scenario. Whether your family is looking for childcare in Baton Rouge (please see our Guide to Childcare and Preschools), to connect with other homeschooling families in Baton Rouge or on a quest to find the best snowball in Baton Rouge, Red Stick Mom has you covered. 

Whatever you need to navigate with regards to family life in Baton Rouge, we are here to help your family. If you’re looking for the best outdoor dining in Baton Rouge with kids, we’ve got that! Swim lessons in Baton Rouge? We know about those, too. Let us help you navigate those ages and stages in Baton Rouge with ease. 

I'm tired, y'all. And I don't mean physically fatigued. I mean I am mentally exhausted. I'm sure you know the deal -- you've read the "invisible workload" articles -- but more importantly, you live the reality. You know exactly what I mean when I say that I am tired of having a monopoly on all family information. Something I once took pride in has come full circle to bite me in my big ol' butt: I am tired of answering everyone's questions and frustrated that I can! At some point, my husband and children came to the valid conclusion that Asking Mom was a much more efficient way of solving their problems than figuring them out themselves. I answer any...
It’s amazing how the tiniest moments can have the biggest impacts on us. A recent trip to CC’s with my five year old did just that. We were out running errands on a super cold day. I had been feeling under the weather and wanted a hot tea. At first, I reached for a cold chocolate milk out of the bin for Veronica but changed my mind. “How about hot chocolate today?” I asked her. It had been almost a year since I first gave her hot chocolate and she acted like I was trying to poison her. She seemed apprehensive but appeared to have forgotten the last incident, so she said okay. We found our table and discussed how much...
We’re a family that cloth diapers. We’ve had this plan before Maverick was born, and I remember having friends and family members chuckle at the idea of us doing it. “You won’t have time”, “It’s so expensive to cloth diaper” were two of the things I heard the most. Surprisingly, I don’t find it very time consuming. I mean you’re going to change a diaper anyway so why can’t it be a cloth? I’m not going to lie, though, the idea at first made me nervous, I mean spraying poop in the toilet kinda made me cringe ... especially newborn / beginning stages of solids poop. But I will try anything to save money. I did some research and...

Take The Help

Holiday travel is stressful. Holiday travel with kids is even more taxing. And holiday traveling with two kids and a husband who has to work at home is practically torture. Just kidding. Kinda. This was my reality during Thanksgiving. Schlepping my kids from Louisiana to Colorado with only my two hands gave me anxiety from the moment the tickets were purchased. I put on my game face as I carried car seat parts while wearing a backpack and three month old baby while simultaneously dragging my seven year old away from the Hudson News. I fully expected to be greeted with eye rolls and groans, but something amazing happened. People ... helped me. After security, a kind woman with a British accent brought...

Do As I Say and As I Do

Everyone at some point had their parent say to them, "Do as I say, not as I do." As a kid, this drove me crazy. However, now I can see why parents are quick to rattle off this command. It's a get-out-of-jail-free card. It's an easy out to justify your own bad habits. And it makes us feel better about choosing to do one thing and hoping our kids will do another. I think it's completely natural to give our kids a list of dos and don'ts because you want what's best for them and hope they become thriving members of society one day. In fact, the older our children get, the more we think about what rules are important to...

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Around Baton Rouge

Best Places to Order Catered Thanksgiving Dinner in Baton Rouge

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