In my therapy practice, the majority of my clients are moms. They come in suffering from anxiety, depression, and relationship issues ... or are just plain unhappy. The causes and origins are as varied as the people who come in to see me, and so are the treatment plans. But one thing that too many of my clients have in common is that they are seriously lacking in self-care. When we talk about self-care, we are referring to actions that an individual takes to maintain or improve his or her physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Sleep, exercise, a healthy diet, being hydrated, spiritual quiet time, relaxation time, and medical care are some common examples.   Moms, let me just say we are...
Did you know that the average American child only spends about 5 minutes playing outdoors each day? As someone who cherished her childhood spent building forts in the woods, playing sports in the backyard, taking trips to the beach, and biking around the neighborhood at every opportunity, this statistic deeply saddens me. Thankfully, there’s an organization striving to dramatically change that statistic, and a branch of it just started up in Baton Rouge! Hike it Baby is a non-profit organization dedicated to building communities that support getting outside with children. With Hike it Baby Baton Rouge, you’ll spend quality time outdoors with your family, make new friends, and learn more about the parks and trails our amazing city has...
Today I'm going to break some rules. I loved my fellow contributor's post, "I Don't Want to Talk About my Body with You" because it's so true. Regardless of our shape or size, there are so many more interesting, productive and healthy things to talk about other than our bodies. I don't want to talk about my body with anyone, but because of what happened to me recently at the doctor's office, I'm going to make an exception.  You see, even though I don't want to talk about my body with people, I do have to talk about it with my doctors. After all, it's kind of their job to evaluate my body and its health. But during an appointment with my...
Unless you've been living under a rock for the past few years you've heard the term paleo. Recently "Paleo" has become a buzz word across the internet, gyms and health food stores alike. While highly popular among Cross Fit enthusiasts, the Paleo Diet has become more and more popular among moms searching for healthier eating habits and increased energy. The Paleo Diet is short for Paleolithic Diet and is commonly referred to as the caveman diet. This diet, while not totally intended for weight loss is more of a lifestyle change which transitions one to eating mostly vegetables, fruits, roots, nuts and seeds, healthy fats and meats. Like many mainstream diets the Paleo lifestyle encourages decreasing intake of sugar,...
Disclosure :: This post is sponsored by Pennington Biomedical Research Center. The Mission to Help Kids Move More Three quarters of children in the United States are not meeting physical activity recommendations, according to a recent report authored by concerned health experts from around the country and by scientists from Baton Rouge at LSU’s Pennington Biomedical Research Center. The report, compiled by the National Physical Activity Plan Alliance, indicates that nearly 63 percent of children are exceeding screen time guidelines, meaning that a majority of kids are sitting more and moving less. These habits put our country’s children at risk for obesity, diabetes and related chronic disease as they get older. Here in Louisiana, one out of every two children is considered overweight...

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Around Baton Rouge

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer It's that time of year we have been working towards all year long. Preparing three to...