As my youngest approached his second birthday, I hit a parenting wall. I had thoughts like "Can postpartum depression be delayed two years? Are my hormones out of whack? Maybe I'm not cut out for the toddler years." Then I started reading "Happiest Toddler on the Block" by Dr. Karp, and a light bulb went off! In part one, he writes "Toddlers are tricky even for experienced parents," and "Your tot's words or deeds may open up feelings of hurt and humiliation from deep in your past." My life as a mom was subconsciously reminding me of issues in my own childhood. It might sound a little kooky, but bare with me. Now that I had two boys who can (and still...
A client once told me there are two starts to every year, New Years and Labor Day. The ability to have a do-over in the middle of the year is something I appreciate. I start the year with resolutions, a fresh mind-set, and unwavering energy, but come August, I’m back to just surviving. Labor Day has become my day to reassess my goals, needs, and health, and start fresh. It’s a checkpoint that allows me cast aside guilt for not following through with my New Year resolutions. Recently I sat down and brainstormed ways to refresh different aspects of my life. The list below is a little insight into how I plan on approaching the second half of the year. I hope...

Depression is a Liar

Depression is a liar. It makes you feel guilty that you aren't grateful enough for your blessed life. It repeats to you that one day people will realize you're a fraud. It gaslights you until you can't tell the difference between reality and the stories it tells you about yourself. It paralyzes you from pursuing your dreams because you might fail or be imperfect. It makes going out with friends overwhelming. It exhausts you mentally and physically. It tricks you into believing that medication will guy you of who you are instead of allowing you to BE who you are.  It reminds you that society things people who go to therapy are weak and unable to "just be positive." It numbs joy and optimism but amplifies fear and...
I know by now much of the world has heard the sad news of Kate Spade taking her own life. This really struck a chord with me for a few reasons, and I felt the need to open up about my own story. Kate was a self-made, successful business woman who created a vibrant brand that is loved by many across the world. By all appearances, she really had it all. A husband of 24 years, a precious 13-year-old daughter and great wealth. We always say “don’t read the comments on the internet” because they can be so divisive, ignorant and downright hurtful. Unfortunately, I did read a few and I feel like it’s understandably hard for people to grasp...
According to Webster’s Dictionary, stress is defined as "a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances." Can I get an AMEN? As women, our stress level varies by the day, hour or minute depending on what our surroundings are. We are constantly worried about our spouse, children and the people around us even if we aren’t conscious of it. There are some things I have found to help de-stress me. Self-care is good for the soul and more than the Instagram posts talking about it. We need to take care of ourselves so that we can then take care of others. One of my favorite self-care quotes that I found comes from Eleanor Brown: “Rest...

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Around Baton Rouge

Following The Pink and Gold Sparkly Road : How Joining a...

The Pink and Gold Sparkly Road : How Joining a Local Dance Krewe Enhanced my Life Three years ago, I was recovering from a devastating...