
Living in Baton Rouge, it’s no surprise that our community knows how to celebrate! From the excitement of New Year’s to the patriotic pride of Independence Day, and the magic of Christmas, the holidays are a time for our city to shine.

Red Stick Mom is your go-to resource for all things holidays in Baton Rouge. From festive parades to family-friendly activities, we’ve got everything you need to make the season unforgettable!

Our guides and blog posts have everything a Baton Rouge mom needs to celebrate in style. Explore our guide to Easter egg hunts and fun truck or treat ideas to our  Ultimate Thanksgiving Grocery Shopping Guide , and tips for making Mardi Gras wagons for kids.

From neighborhood light displays and spectacular holiday lights festival to our holiday events guide Red Stick Mom is the ultimate Christmas resource for moms in Baton Rouge. Discover guides, blog posts, and event calendar to help you fully enjoy the holiday season.

If it’s a holiday in Baton Rouge, you can count on fun for the whole family. Whether you’re planning for St. Patrick’s Day, Valentine’s Day, looking for the best spot to catch Fourth of July fireworks, or ringing in the New Year, Red Stick Mom has you covered.

Discover all the tips, ideas, news, and reviews you need to make every holiday and season unforgettable with Red Stick Mom. It’s your go-to resource for helping moms create the perfect celebrations!

On the last Saturday in September, I noticed a lot of activity on the lawn of our across the street neighbors. Throughout the morning, it became more evident what the final result would be, a yard full of life-size replicas of characters from scary movies. By the end of the day, Mike Myers from Halloween, the clown from It, Regan from The Exorcist, Norman’s mother from Psycho, a blood soaked Carrie, and various other nefarious looking creatures were all gazing towards my living room window. It was really quite impressive, and in my teen years, this would have been the coolest house in the neighborhood. As a mother to three small children, though, it was anything but cool. My anxious...
All the ghouls and goblins will be out trick-or-treating, filling their pumpkins to the brim with plenty of sweet treats. As a kid, there really isn’t anything much better than wandering from house to house being handed loads of candy. Of course, the homes passing out those full size candy bars are always the first stop. I fondly remember pouring my bags of candy out afterwards to take stock of our loot. We would sort and barter for the best flavors, trying to see how much we could get away with eating. While all that candy is a bit of a childhood rite of passage, the amount can be a bit excessive. To combat all that sugar some parents exchange...
Disclosure :: we were thrilled to host our 2nd annual Spooktacular playdate to kick off the Fall season in Baton Rouge, and none of it would have been possible without our amazing community sponsors: Lil Bambinos Playtorium, Rapid Urgent Care, Matilda Jane--Jessica Charrier, Twinkle Entertainment, Chef Jeremy Coco, Clean Creations, Zoes Kitchen, Thee Heavenly Donuts, Crave Macarons, Cherliyn Haines Photography, The Photography by Tricia Eaton and McMains Children's Development Center.  We were so happy to see familiar faces and NEW faces for our second Halloween event. All of our littlest guests (and even parents!) showed up in their finest Halloween attire, and we must say the costumes were way too much fun. As soon as they hit the door, the kids were ready to...

Easter Crafts With Kids

  Happy Easter! We celebrate the Resurrection, Easter Bunny and Spring during this holiday by attending egg hunts and all sorts of outdoor events. Make a few more memories and family Easter traditions by incorporating crafts! Bunny Nose Great for Easter gifts for friends or classmates What you’ll need: Gray paint Small paintbrush Craft stick 3 white pipe cleaners 1 pink pom pom Hot glue gun   1. Paint your craft stick grey and let dry. 2. Wrap one pipe cleaner, centered, once around the top of the craft stick. 3. Twist the pipe cleaner once at the back and bend out again. 4. Repeat with two more pipe cleaners, centered and diagonal.       5. Hot glue a small amount around the pipe cleaners on the back of the craft stick. 6. Hot glue the pom pom to the top of the craft...
We all know LSU Football only belongs in Death Valley!!! Chance of rain...NEVER.  Happy April Fools' Day!

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Around Baton Rouge

Wearin’ of the Green :: Baton Rouge Goes Wild {and Green!}

Wearin' of the Green :: Baton Rouge Goes Wild {and Green!} Every March, Baton Rouge flips a switch. Suddenly, the streets aren't just streets anymore—they're...