I prefer to find the good in every experience, so I will start with what I loved about last Saturday. Our game day shenanigans began at 11:30am with my superfan husband, Matt and I attempting to pick up my 21 year old brother and our two cousins at his apartment off of Brightside. By the time we painstakingly made our way down Lee and over that railroad track at Nicholson (after my husband almost lost his mind because the driver in front of us was too busy kissing her dog to notice the green light), we were informed that my brother’s friends were headed to his place to park and then walk to the game because there was no...
It’s finally Bama week! My superfan husband, Matt and I were at the Mississippi State game two weeks ago. There was so much excitement and noise, and all I could think about was how much fun the Alabama game is going to be. We could only fit in three home games this year, and I had to fight for the Bama game. Matt was convinced that the Georgia game was the way to go, but I’m an old school LSU fan. My animosity towards Alabama goes back decades. I grew up in a family that would sing “Bama, Bama. Bama won’t you bite my (ah, you know the rest)!” regardless of the team LSU was playing. No matter how...
Wow! What a game! I had to run errands in the early afternoon, so color me surprised when I walked in the house to find LSU ahead at the start of the second quarter. My superfan husband, Matt began talking fast with a high-pitched voice and attempting to carry an impossible number of grocery bags into the house during the commercial break. I “offered” to help, but I was having too much fun watching him try to bring in three pumpkins, an insulated freezer tote, and a dozen eggs at one time to actually follow through. The majority of the second quarter consisted of me unloading groceries while my kids asked me no less than 100 times when we...
So, there it is. LSU’s football team lost their first game of the season. My husband, Matt and I came home from a weekend away last week to find ourselves knee-deep in viruses, ear infections / busted eardrum, and planning a birthday weekend for twins. There was no way I could find time to write about the Florida game, and then we lost. I am so entrenched in LSU superstition and mom guilt that I can’t help but blame myself for last week’s loss. I know I sound ridiculous, but I’ve been indoctrinated.   Speaking of mom guilt, I did to my kids what I swore I would never do. We invited everyone over to watch the Florida game for...
Last weekend’s game against LA Tech got a little precarious towards the end. Was anyone else’s superfan in meltdown mode? My husband Matt kept shaking his head and saying “It’s going to be another Troy” in an uncharacteristically high tone of voice. And no, he wasn’t referring to the 2004 movie called “Troy” that starred an overly bronzed and muscular Brad Pitt (which would have certainly been an upgrade to the third quarter). Troy University is an unranked, non-conference school that beat LSU last year in Tiger Stadium, during Homecoming week. It was a total embarrassment and has become a recurring nightmare for many superfans that is only whispered about in trusted circles. Matt was already on edge, because...

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Where to Find the Best King Cakes in Baton Rouge

Where to Find the Best King Cakes in Baton Rouge Are you a huge fan of those cinnamon-flavored dough rounds covered in sweet green, gold,...